Why You Should Fund Us

John Tomchick
#im310 — social media
3 min readMay 6, 2015
Larry being his goofy self

So this is a little bit of a different story, because it is almost like more of a sales pitch. But thats okay because I am going to use whatever tools I can to try to get what I want. I mean after all, isn't that one of the great things about social media?

Most people don’t know this about me, but I would love to make it big in the entertainment business. My friend Larry and I have been dreaming and scheming since middle school as to how we could become famous. Now Larry, he is hands-down the funniest person I have ever met. Everything from his witty jokes to how he can carry himself is just hilarious. With this comedic genius also comes genuine intelligence. He is a quick thinker who is always coming up with ideas, granted not all of them for the best of intentions. In the end he means well. The problem is that Larry just never would be able to handle the business and logistics side of things. That is where I would come in.

As I have said this has been our dream since we were in middle school. We had plans before, but we never had the real skills or resources to get off the ground. I have had a camera for a while, but it is fairly low quality and I didn’t know to use it well. Beyond that, we had no editing skills or any sense on how to market ourselves. I mean, who was going to listen to a couple 14 year old boys from the middle of no where? Fast forward till now, and here is where Juniata comes into play.

Nowadays, I would like to think I have a little more know how on how to make our idea work. I have editing experience after having taken Digital Video Production. I am pretty decent with audio editing using ProTools. Beyond that, I have a rough idea on how to begin marketing and branding our idea/hopeful business. The problem still comes down to the money. I am your typical broke college student, as to be expected. Larry works full time as an assistant manager, which is a respectable job that earns a decent wage, but it he does not earn enough spend close to $2000 on LJ Productions.

Because of this lack of funds I have started a campaign on IndieGogo. I will not go into the reasons of why I chose this site over others. So this is where you, the reader, comes into play. I ask that anyone who reads this at least give our campaign a glance. We would be overjoyed and forever grateful for a donation, but if not that a Facebook share or Tweet would be greatly appreciated. Try to help us get our shot.


