Hayden Snook
#im310-sp17 — social media
3 min readFeb 28, 2017

In case you’re wondering what fake news looks like, here it is. Sure, President Trump can spread the idea of “fake news” being CNN, NBC, The New York Times, and others, but we all know that in reality, when we are looking for true journalism, the mainstream media does tell the truth a majority of the time. Websites like EmpireNews, The Onion, and many more, spread fake news on a daily basis, and unfortunately get many people to actually believe their bogus stories.

On February 25th, I posted the fake news story above to social media to see if I could receive much of an interaction. I didn’t really get much of a response, and I like to think it is because I associate myself with a lot of smart people who know how to research a topic before believing anything they say. I also like to believe people think I am credible enough to know I couldn’t possibly post such bogus stuff. While I would love for Donald Trump to send us all an extra $1000 on our tax refunds, this is unfortunately not true.

Here are the results of the experiment:

Mind you, this is not to make anyone look stupid, it was just for fun and an experiment. People who liked it may have found it funny, and I thought Joe’s comment was rather intelligent for a theory of redistribution of wealth. However, this was all fake, and although I may not have had much engagement, this experiment we conducted as a class for #IM310 was successful as verified by the post below. My favorite post of the class was Brittany Mlynek’s. She told people that she was going to graduate school in England for Medieval Architecture and hundreds of people bought it! It was hilarious and very clever on her part. This was fun, but it caused a lot of confusion within many people’s Facebook feeds.



Hayden Snook
#im310-sp17 — social media

Juniata College marketing student looking to make an impact in an evolving world.