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Haruka Kamegaya
#im310-sp17 — social media
2 min readJan 20, 2017

About 5 years ago, I first downloaded the Instagram app to my iPod touch. At that time, the Instagram did not have as many users as today. Unlike the current version of Instagram as users do live video or upload short story videos or company try marketing their products, its features used to be limited to merely editing photos and uploading them on user’s page. My initial reason for using the app was to simply edit my pictures; I loved photography and truly enjoyed enriching my page with my original eddited pictures. The app allowed me to express myself through photography; at the same time, because I was so obsessed with the app, that made me feel like I was becoming a narcissist.

The Instagram app kept updating with new features or different structures as the number of users grew. When I started the Istagram, I did not expected its platform to become this huge with its great influence on our society. Today, even companies are spending their money on marketing for Instagram, and governments are updating with their important announcements. With so much of information, the Instagram has become a significant virtual world that is influential to my daily lives.

The Instagram has overwhelming amount of information or people with its great impact on our society and my daily lives. Because of that, I probably have become overcautious in managing myself on Instagram from what others think of me. I do not update my page as often as when I first started the app, but I still keep scrolling down the timeline and seek for information that are related to me.

