Revolving Around Social Media

Alex Stoudt
#im310-sp17 — social media
1 min readJan 20, 2017

Being born at the end of the range to be considered a “millennial,” means that most of my life in memory involves a primary communication source of social media. Social media has been and probably will continue to be a major part of my life, to the point where I feel empty and helpless without access to it. I had my phone stolen while I was studying abroad in Belgium, leaving me without the capability to share my life with my friends, and I felt as though an entire part of my soul was taken from me. Aside from personal impact, I feel as though social media has the power to affect massive movements online — we’ve seen this past presidential election become infiltrated with a social media presence. It has the ability to influence a mass amount of people and spread messages like wildfire. I can see the future of politics and our government being more strongly influenced and present through social media throughout the next 10 years.

If I had to choose my favorite aspect of social media, it would have to be its ability to make a joke out of anything, particularly in meme form.

