John M. Gage
#im310-sp17 — social media
2 min readFeb 10, 2017


Social capital is a special type of capital that is not always easy to obtain, but can prove itself to be very valuable. Social capital is like money, although instead of being measured by how much wealth you have, it is measured by how you have expanded your social relationships. The internet has allowed people to expand social capital in amazing ways. The online world allows people to be more connected than ever and makes it so people can interact with other people all over the world. I feel like social capital can be a good way to achieve success when used properly, as showing hard work on the internet can be rewarded with people who follow your work and admire you as a creator. Although, I feel that social capital can also be a negative thing and can be valued in a bad way. I have heard of people paying to gain more Instagram followers, and this is an example of social capital being valued negatively. Social capital should not be valued so much that it is something you pay for. Social skills are something that need to be learned and this should play a good part in your gain of social capital. An example of someone I know who has a good amount of social capital is Jesse Ridgway, also known as McJuggerNuggets, a YouTuber who has become famous because of his online series called the “Psycho Series”, a series about Jesse’s character, a video gamer in his early twenties living in his parents house, where is father, called “Psycho Dad”, constantly destroys his game devices and other possessions because he wants Jesse to get a job and move out. The “Psycho Series” was interesting and funny and entertained a lot of people. His channel currently has around 3.5 million subscribers. The series is staged, and before Jesse admitted this when the series ended, it was widely debated as whether or not the series was real by the viewers. This kind of conversation helps grow the viewership of his YouTube channel, giving him more views and subscribers, and ultimately, more social capital.

