Alicia Regnault
#im310-sp17 — social media
2 min readJan 18, 2017


Social media includes sites like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter that helps users keep in contact with one another from different places across the globe. Each user can post in real time and record events that happen to them.

I feel social media is relevant because I use it everyday to keep in contact with friends and family back home and at different colleges and universities. I have family, not only in NJ, but also places like Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania. We use mainly Facebook to post photos of events that occur each and everyday because it’s easier to know what is going on through the media than over the phone. Plus, if we’re always on the phone and do not want to be bothered, social media is the fastest way to keep in the loop.

Social media plays a key role in the communication aspects in my society. Now a days if I want to know something about someone I can check social media and “stalk” the person of interest. If I want others to know what happens in my life, I will post. For instance, on Snapchat people can display the fun they are having while they are having it. I almost like to look at it like a site for bragging about one’s life.

What interest me the most about social media is how fast I can get into contact with someone. Within seconds words or videos or photos can reach hundreds of thousands of people. If one would ever want to keep their life private, it would almost be impossible unless they had the highest amount of privacy enabled. Makes it kind of scary that certain people who I may not want to can have access to personal information, can.

Social media is heading towards a revolution of new changes. With more and more new technologists coming into the field each and everyday, they bring new ideas and notions on what to do next. As virtual reality takes a bigger role, social media could soon only be viewed in a 3-dimensional universe.

