Social Media, the Blessing and Sometimes a Curse.

Hayden Snook
#im310-sp17 — social media
2 min readJan 19, 2017
Image found on Linchi Kwok Blog


Social media: forms of electronic communication (as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos) (Merriam-Webster).

Sure, anyone can define social media through a dictionary, but when you really think of about it, we all have our own separate definitions of what social media really is.

To me, social media is a place where I can gather with friends online and connect with them and post ideas and thoughts for them to see and discuss with me. However, social media also has a darker side to it. I personally believe that social media also can be an addiction to some, depending on the circumstance. No, just because you sit on FaceBook for a half-hour before a class does not mean that you are addicted. True addiction is whenever no matter the space and time, one must be paying attention to their FaceBook feed or their Twitter mentions. However, as I have mentioned, social media is generally a great innovation toward a more globalized world.

Social media plays a huge role within our society today. If you move away from home, Mom and Dad are just a Skype call away. If you take a vacation and took some amazing pictures you want your fifth cousins in Arkansas to see, just upload the photos from your phone and post them to your Instagram. It is obvious the role social media is playing, making more and more connections we may not have been able to once make.

The continuous connection between people around the globe continues to interest me. To think that at one point a letter had to be shipped across the ocean which would take upwards of a couple months to get to your recipient, now is sent in an instant message through your Twitter “DM’s”. Social media will continue to innovate and connect more and more people as time goes on. We are just one click away from the next big social media phenomenon.



Hayden Snook
#im310-sp17 — social media

Juniata College marketing student looking to make an impact in an evolving world.