Sorry Bing Bong…

Hayden Snook
#im310-sp17 — social media
3 min readMar 28, 2017
Jeremiah Bingham

So, let me start off by saying, this is a formal apology to Jeremiah Bingham for getting him so worked up while using his laptop for the experiment in the article titled, “LAPTOP ALTRUISM”.

I modified this experiment however, as I know Bingham, but I did not know how he would react when I asked to use his laptop. He was skeptical at first, but I told him I just needed to borrow it for a few minutes and he eventually caved and allowed me to use his laptop. The original experiment would involve a complete stranger to see how they would react if I would just sit on social media, but I thought it would be more fun to mess with a friend and suitemate. The skepticism began with him asking me for 5 minutes before giving me his laptop, “Why do you need to see my laptop.” I just responded with, “Bing, just trust me, I have to use your laptop for something real quick.” He caved and he gave me his laptop, originally trying to log in on his own but he couldn’t because his laptop was dead, so he personally got his charger and gave it to me so that the computer would start up. I logged in and immediately signed into Twitter. Instead of looking through his things, I looked at my own accounts. Immediately his focus had changed. He had been focusing on playing NBA2k on the PS4, but almost immediately the concern on his face grew evident. He was extremely concerned with what I was doing, he came over asked, “Why can’t you tell me what you’re doing?” I stayed strong and continued to browse my social media. He ended up quitting his game of 2k, walked over from the chair he was sitting on, and sat down beside me on the couch to ensure I wasn’t doing anything to his stuff. He eventually just realized that I was just using his computer to look at my stuff and just wanted to know why. So I ended up just giving his computer back and he spent probably 5 minutes making sure I didn’t do anything to his stuff.

What I find interesting is his reaction, let alone the trust he has in me. Personally, I wouldn’t let anyone touch my laptop, just because I feel like it is a private space for me. Although he did give me his laptop, he also had a lack of trust to think that I wouldn’t do anything crazy on his laptop. But I didn’t, except do what I show below. His reaction to my abnormal behavior is a norm now, if something is out of ordinary, it is normal to react with distrust. Bingham was a good sport though and I appreciate that.

But of course, since it is Bing, I did have to do something ridiculous…



Hayden Snook
#im310-sp17 — social media

Juniata College marketing student looking to make an impact in an evolving world.