John M. Gage
#im310-sp17 — social media
2 min readJan 26, 2017


What will the weather have for us next? Today it was around 45 degrees here in Huntingdon, PA. This is interesting looking at what I have been used to growing up in New England. My siblings who go to school in New Hampshire recently had a snow day. My friends who go to college in New England were also affected by the snow, some had delays or even all their classes cancelled that day. I remember when I was going to high school in Massachusetts, walking down the street to my bus stop in single digit weather. I remember having to drive down the street in snow that was nearly four feet tall. The street I used to live on was already narrow to begin with, so the high walls made it pretty much impossible for two cars to fit. If there was a car going the opposite direction, you would have to pull into a driveway, let that car pass and hope the driveway you were in was not the driveway they wanted to get into. I remember getting my car stuck in the snow, the wheels being unable to turn. The ice was probably the worst and most dangerous aspect of it. Walking down the street, I had to be really careful with how I walked. Most of a walk was spent trying to keep my balance and trying not to fall over. One year the snow was around four feet high, which made driving on my street, which was already narrow, very hard. There was always a lot of snow to shovel, especially at my old house in Massachusetts, that had three driveways. My current house in New Hampshire has only one driveway, but it is quite long and we need to use a tractor to plow it. Yet, to be honest, the weather here in Huntingdon is generally not too much different than it is in New England. It still gets cold and snows. Last year around this time, there was a good amount of snow here in Huntingdon and it looks like it will not be long before we start getting some again. I look forward to seeing what else lies ahead for the weather here in Pennsylvania for this spring and how it will differ from what I grew up with in New England.

