Emoji Story of Part of Snow White

Xianghan Wang
#im310-sp18 — social media
3 min readApr 25, 2018

Once upon a ⏱️, long, long ago a 🤴 and 👸 ruled over a distant land. The 👸 was kind and lovely and all the 👯 of the realm adored her. The only sadness in the 👸 ‘s life was that she wished for a 👶 but did not have one.

One ☃️ day, the 👸 was doing needle work while gazing out her ebony window at the new fallen ❄️. A bird flew by the window startling the 👸 and she pricked her 🖐️. A single drop of 💉 fell on the ❄️ outside her window. As she looked at the 💉 on the ❄️ she said to herself, “Oh, how I 🎋 that I had a 👧 that had skin as ◻️ as ❄️, 👄 as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony.”

Soon after that, the kind 👸 got her 🎋 when she 👩‍👧 who had skin ◻️ as ❄️, 👄 as red as blood, and hair black as ebony. They named the baby 👧 ❄️ ◻️, but sadly, the 👸 🥀 after giving birth to ❄️ ◻️.

Soon after, the 🤴 💍 a new 👩 who was 💅, but as well proud and cruel. She had studied dark magic and owned a magic mirror, of which she would daily ask, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of 👯?”

Each ⏱️ this ❓ was asked, the mirror would give the 🙋, “You, Queen, art the fairest of all.” This pleased the 👸 greatly as she knew that her magical mirror could speak nothing but the 👍.

One 🌅 when the 👸 asked, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of 👯?” she was 😨 when it 🙋: You, my 👸, are fair; it is 👍.

But ❄️ ◻️ is even 💅 than you.

The 👸 flew into a jealous rage and ordered her 👨 🔫 🐻 to take ❄️ ◻️ into the 🌳 to be 🥀. She demanded that the 👨 🔫 🐻 return with ❄️ ◻️’ ❤️ as proof.

The poor 👨 🔫 🐻 took ❄️ ◻️into the 🌳, but found himself unable to kill the 👧. Instead, he let her go, and brought the 👸 the ❤️ of a 🐗.

❄️ ◻️ was now all 😱 in the 🌳, and she did not 💫 what to 🤸. The 🌳 seemed to whisper to each other, 👻 ❄️ ◻️ who began to 🏃‍♀️. She 🏃‍♀️ over sharp stones and through thorns. She 🏃‍♀️ as far as her 👣 could carry her, and just as 🌄 was about to fall she saw a little 🏠 and went inside in order to 😴.

Inside the 🏠 everything was small but tidy. There was a little table with a tidy, white tablecloth and 7️⃣ little 🍽️. Against the wall there were 7️⃣ little 🛏️, all in a row and covered with quilts.

Because she was so hungry ❄️ ◻️ ate a few 🥗 and a little 🍞 from each little 🍽️ and from each ☕ she drank a bit of 🥛. Afterward, because she was so 😫, she lay down on one of the little 🛏️ and 💤.

