Xianghan Wang
#im310-sp18 — social media
3 min readMar 7, 2018


Fake News

The topic of this week is fake news. What we need to do is creating a fake news and post the fake news on the social media that we usually use. We need to wait for our friends’ reactions to the fake news. I think this topic is very interesting and thoughtful as you never know the truth of the news you received in today’s worlds. The information bloom in front of us every day, do we really care about the truth of the news? Does the truth of the news is still a matter?
I posted my fake news on Instagram. I posted a picture that I took one year ago at my hometown’s airport and located the location in my hometown. With that photo, I said I was back to China under the post. To be honest, I have no idea what I should post on the social media at the beginning. The reason that I use social media is connecting with my friends and family members and sharing my life with them. The content that I usually post is the really interesting things that happened in my life. I believe that the content my friends post on social media is the real things that happened in their life as well. Therefore, I feel sorry to post the fake news on Instagram.
The reason I choose the content is back to China is I think it will not influence my life a lot, but it can attract my friends’ attention. They would wonder why I just say hi with them in the morning, and then I went back to China in the evening. Besides, they would curious why I back to China in the academic period, and it is not the spring break yet. Thus, I felt this is a great fake news to be posted on social media.
After I posted it, I gained some likes. Before I wrote this essay, I gained twenty-two likes and eleven comments. Some of my friends asked me directly about messages why I went back to China. In addition, some of my friends are jealous that I could go back to home. They did not care about the reason that I went back, they just focus on the content is I went back to home. They think this content is interesting, and my friends missed home as well. My content could catch their attention and could stimulate the home sick with them, so they gave me comments and liked my post. Moreover, other friends asked me why I could get a chance to go back. Since I still need to study, and I do not have a break yet. This group of people has better ability to question the post they saw online. They will not believe everything they see on the social media. If the post is not reasonable, they will curious whether the post is fake or not. In this group of people, I think they have better ability to deal with the online fake news. Furthermore, the most common thing I got is likes. In my opinion, as the world we live in is full of different kinds of information, we do not have the time to recognize or identify the reality of news. If they see the post is from their friends or from whomever they like, they will like the post. They think the content is not necessary to be paid attention. Furthermore, one of my friends saw me at Muddy, then he saw my post. He left the comments that I am a liar.
According to that, I think the fake news could not always lie to others, the truth will be explored at the end. It might seem that not many people care about the reality of the news, but fake news is fake. There are always have someone to point out it is fake news, so lie to the public is not a good choice. Absolutely, increasing the ability to identify the reality of the news has benefit for us as well.

