Fake news

Yiyao Zhao
#im310-sp18 — social media
3 min readMar 9, 2018

I created a fake news story on my Instagram this week. Then, I got some feedbacks and reflections from my friends and followers.

Firstly, the background story is that I am going to exchange to the University of Ulster in Ireland next semester. Some of my friends have known this news before, so I decided to create my fake story based on this news. So my fake news is that I am going to transfer to the University of Ulster, rather than exchange. I think this story is convincible enough as I did not imagine without any foundation, there is a fact that I am going to Ireland next semester. Also, I posted an image of part of my email about the application for the University of Ulster, but without the specific date. The result is that most of my friends believed it and commented on the post.

The most comments I got from my close friends are “Really?” or “Is that true?”. The reason why they commented like this I think as I did not tell them this news before. They might think we are close friends, so I need to tell this big decision before I published to the public. One of my close friend just got angry of me as I did not let her into this news before everyone else.

Moreover, I got comments from the college friends and high school friends. For my high school friends, because most of them study abroad in the United States and United Kingdom, which there are two different styles of responses from my friends with different country. For the friends of the United States, most of the comments are sadness and regretting for my leaving. For example, Shiyue said that she can’t imagine the college life without me, which is really touching me as we are good friends at Juniata. Also, my another good friend at Juniata, Sharon said good luck to my new college life. Moreover, there are some friends commented the crying sticker or emoji for their reflection. Besides, my friends who study in the United Kingdom had some positive comments, such like “Welcome to the UK!” or “Let’s meet in the UK!” I am really pleasure from these comments from my friends, although this news is not true, but I am still going to United Kingdom next semester.

Finally, I think my fake story was successful as I got some comments and reflections from my friends on social media. No one would judge you, all of them just believed what you post on the Internet. Honestly, I feel really sorry about my friends about this fake news. Moreover, I would not post something like this without the assignment requirement. Since I do not have to post the fake story to my friends, which is not meaningful.

