social media experiment:breaking social norms

#im310-sp18 — social media
3 min readApr 6, 2018

So for breaking social norms it was mentioned how we have many different chatting apps that all do similar jobs but we generally keep a conversation on one.
thinking about this I realized how many platforms my group of friends talk on
Facebook, text, Xbox live, Discord, etc.
so I decided to switch between facebook and text chat. using more than that could become too confusing to show in pictures.
so the next time my good friend messaged me and we started talking about the scientific possibilities of ecological interactions that could occur if Bigfoot did exist I started switching between the two chats. I numbered the conversation for convenience

so surprisingly my friend just kinda ignored the fact I was switching back and forth and didn’t ask about it until I brought it up
he figured I was maybe switching between devices based on if I was moving or on my computer.
also sometimes in the past one text chat would have technical difficulties so we would switch to another that did work so he thought that might be another possibility
so in conclusion he just kinda brushed off breaking a social norm as being caused by something else that was happening
or that I was just doing something weird as my group of friends sometimes do.


