Ex Naughty Dog Employee Leaks Major Spoilers for The Last of Us Part II

Holly Uses
#im310-sp20— social media
2 min readApr 28, 2020

Many PlayStation fans have been patient in waiting for the sequel of The Last of Us, a top selling video game that came out in 2013. Since the release of the original game, the creators company, Naughty Dog, has been making a part ii to the game since 2014. Naughty Dog has been building up hype for a long time, and finally released a much anticipated release date back in the fall, February 27th. Shortly after this release date was confirmed, the company announced that they were a little behind and pushed back the release date back to May 29th. As of yesterday, an ex Naughty Dog employee leaked the key moments of the second game, including major spoilers that ruined the hype for many people. It is predicted that this employee did this due to unfair treatment by the Naughty Dog staff.

Thousands of fans, were heartbroken as the much anticipated game was completed spoiled. A lot of people are trying to avoid spoilers, but for some people, including myself, saw the leaks by accident while just scrolling through Twitter, unaware of the situation at first. All Naughty Dog has said so far was an apology to the public and were telling fans to avoid spoilers as much as possible.

Although I am upset from the whole situation, I wonder what kind of unfair treatment they were giving to this employee that made him so angry at the company that they would leak the most important parts of the game. Should fans of the company be paying for games if they treat their employees unfairly? It’s a confusing and frustrating time for Naughty Dog fans, and all we can do is just wait to play the game when it comes out and see if it’s still enjoyable even if we know what’s going to happen.

