Just A (Velveteen) Dream

Antonio Reyes
#im310-sp20— social media
3 min readMar 25, 2020

For my fake news post, I decided that I would post something about myself seeing that on Facebook I generally post memes and wrestling updates, not articles that are obviously fake news. So I had to make something up, something that would trick everyone that interacts with my page. Well, my Facebook pages consist of wrestling already so let's take it a step further.

In my post, I decided to go the route of leaving Juniata. Yeah, it might be the easiest out with this but come on the other half of my idea was still original. When I posted about leaving I decided that I would leave Juniata and join the wrestling school, Chikara Wrestling Factory in Philadelphia. This makes the most sense because I am a fan of wrestling, I always talk of joining the business, and Chikara has alumni and trainers like Cesaro and Drew Gulak that are now in the WWE. I said my “goodbyes” over Facebook and watched as the calls, messages, and reactions come in for this one.

To start my parents were the first to respond and boy did they respond, each was hoping that I was joking cause if not let's just say I would not be writing this blog post. After I explained to them what was going on I told them to not tell anyone else because I wanted a reaction from everyone else. After they agreed, more reactions came in. I got a lot of likes from those who usually interact with my page but also others that were really surprising, to say the least. Then came the comments, a lot of them were wishing me luck on my journey with some goodbyes. Some of my friends that I generally don’t communicate with began to message me on Facebook shocked that I actually was going through with this. But I responded and told them the truth right away but to keep it a secret.

Then my family came roaring in with their congratulations and hopes that I would make it. I let this continue for another three days and heard from my parents that both sides of my family had group chats started in order to come out and talk to me about my decision. So I knew that I got a lot of them with my post.

After the three days, I posted again explaining that this was all in fact a ruse for this class. A lot of the family and friends were relieved to find out that this was a ruse that they fell for and nothing serious. I even had one of my friends message me that they would have really missed seeing me around campus if I actually left and to never do that again.

I think that it is true about what you said, it is easier to trust things shared and told to use by those that we trust the most. And that we should question before we judge. But it was fun to live that dream for a day and who knows maybe one day I’ll get in a ring to entertain those in attendance. I mean I thought about it once before this post, it might come up again, but until then I kinda like the way my life is going.



Antonio Reyes
#im310-sp20— social media

“I dream broken dreams, I make them come true…I make them for you”