Meditation and its Benefits

#im310-sp20— social media
2 min readMar 27, 2020

With the world being put on hold as of right now as many people are practicing social distancing and self-isolation many may be trying to think of something to do with themselves as they distance themselves from the outside world. With this in mind, one may consider meditation as an option to practice on a daily basis. Meditation does not require leaving your home, it is a quiet practice, and can be done on a daily basis.

Meditation may ease some of the stress in your life, and with the world in shambles as it is today, we can all use a little stress management. With less stress comes less anxiety, and if an individual is meditating habitually on a daily basis, meditation can decrease phobias, social anxieties, and even obsessive- compulsive behaviors. Meditation can also benefit an individual’s overall mental wellbeing.

Meditation has also been shown to help improve “self-awareness.” Understanding yourself in a more complete manner may make it easier to make other positive changes in your life or lifestyle down the road. It also has the ability to help improve an individual’s attention span.

Meditation may also help with insomnia. Helping to put the mind and body in a more relaxed state will increase the likelihood that one will fall asleep sooner and remain asleep for a longer duration.

With many people around the world finding ways to cope with the tough times that we’re all being faced with right now, what better way to spend your time than trying to become more one with yourself. Seeking out a peaceful state of mind amongst these stressful circumstances that we’re all having to deal with right now has become an exceptionally important part of our every day.

