What is Social Media to me?

#im310-sp20— social media
2 min readJan 24, 2020

Social media to me is an excellent platform to promote communication and the spread of ideas, news, and cultures. However unfortunately it is not always taken advantage of in this manner. Social media accounts formed around a hateful idea or message are negative additions to any community, and online bullying runs rampant throughout social media platforms.

Social media is relevant in my life, because it allows me to communicate every single day with loved ones and family members that I would not be able to speak with otherwise. It also allows me to see what is going on in the world, and staying informed on a daily basis with the happenings from day to day is essential.

I believe that social media plays a large role in our society by allowing different groupings of people to find their niche. Everyone has a variety of interests, but with the help of social media platforms it is easier for people to find other individuals who share common interests. It allows people to feel as though they are part of a community, and in doing so creates an online environment for discussion, the sharing of ideas, and even creation and collaboration.

I am very interested in the ways that social media has changed the way that people interact with one another. It is not difficult to see that the way people communicate online is far different than how they communicate face to face. It is this aspect of social media that catches my attention. Also, there are unspoken patterns or routines in social media platforms that are recognized as “normal,” and it is interesting to think about why it is that some of these things have become a social construct in our society.

I think that as time goes by social media will definitely remain a large part of our everyday existence. I can foresee social media becoming something that is a subscription based product that a consumer will pay for in the future. While I understand that these platforms profit a great deal from advertisements, I don’t think it would be unreasonable to see companies making their consumers begin to pay for various features of these respective social media platforms at some point in the future.

