Why Do Social Media Platforms Stay, and What Are They Replacing?

Holly Uses
#im310-sp20— social media
1 min readApr 28, 2020

Social media platforms like instagram, twitter, and facebook remain popular due to our society’s need to show everyone the activities in our daily lives. A big factor in why people have social media is the“Because everyone else is doing it” mindset. If a lot of people started deleting their social media, others would too, strictly because humans like to do what others are doing.

Social media is replacing physical connections with people and tangible memories, such as photos. Many people, typically young adults, aren’t even taking photos for the solid purpose of having the memory. Now, people go to events and take photos strictly for sharing it on the web and creating this persona of what kind of life they have. People are users of these social media platforms because they want to connect with friends/family and share their life events with the world.

Sharing / information control are related to types of motivations through humans need to show their life experiences and what they do and do not want to be seen. There is always a motive through everything we post, whether it’s to make an ex jealous with your new hair cut or just to show your family how your new dog is doing. There’s always a motive, and we gain motivation through seeing what others do. Social media is a endless wave of trends and copying people, which is both good and bad.

