Blog #5- Social Capital

Matt Scialabba
#im310-sp22— social media
1 min readFeb 24, 2022

I find social capital to be an intriguing concept that is ultimately inherently tied to our societal reliance on socialization and grouping. The vast majority of humanity seeks out like-minded individuals to create communities to exist in and to cultivate their social capital with groups of people that will be more likely to allocate them that capital based on their common interests or ideals. Those with niche interests are then less likely to accumulate higher amounts of capital with broader audiences, instead needing to seek out others and focus on building it among their lesser-numbered peers. Those with widely-shared interests and the ability to reach and relate to larger numbers of people then have the greatest advantage for cultivating capital and ultimately the most ability to leverage that capital. These being celebrities, influencers, athletes, CEOs, world leaders, etc. All of these have a platform that allows them to reach the most eyes and ears, meaning their more likely to cast a net that catches people who share the interests and ideals and would be likely to give capital and credence to those high-visibility individuals.

