Coronavirus Fake News

Moriah Hall
#im310-sp22— social media
2 min readMay 3, 2022

Within the current situation our society is in one of the biggest fake news stories is many different articles about Coronavirus or Covid-19. Being within the middle of a pandemic as we start to see the hopeful end of a terrible time, reflecting on the past two-years feels almost impossible. There seems to be no end within those two-years and nothing to base the experience off of.

Today in 2022, our nation is more divided than ever. Political views have created many different negative effects towards one onther. Instead of having tolerance towards one another, it is hatred. Racism, Sexism and many other prevalent issues are still here, ones many thought would have ended by now. But, It seems that as a nation we can not come to an agreement. Of course, this is a generational dispute and there are side-effects based on the generation you grew up in and you can’t argue with someone’s personal beliefs. Throughout this divide there, Coronavirus, a scientific medical issue has become political.

Many fake news stories about Covid-19 have been spread around. I’m sure many of you whom use Facebook have at least seen one fake news story about Covid in the past two-years. One of the Biggest misleading stories was that behind the conspiracy theory that Bill Gates was planning on using the Covid vaccine to put microchips in people. This swayed many Americans away from getting the vaccine, as others were quick to defend that there is no possible way for a microchip to be implemented into the vaccine and how this is a scientific process not political. Within that story, you just have to wonder why people believed it, do Americans not trust their government that much? Of course, it is healthy to question the government at times, but believe that they are implanting a microchip inside your arm without your consent? The False news stories that Covid-19 was created within a lab, the conspiracy movie “Plandemic” that created unrealisitc and non-scientific health advice stating wearing a mask promotes the spread.

All of these fake news stories spread like wildfire and had millions of views and thousands of comments as well as shares. This is why I believe that many social media sites need to show fake news warnings such as Facebook is currently doing. Although this is hard to contain. Understanding why many people believed in these is hard to come to terms with, but they may just not know better. The older generation is more susceptible to fake news stories due to the fact that they believe the internet is always correct and they do not question it. Growing up with internet easily accessible to us, we understand that it has to be questioned constantly.



Moriah Hall
#im310-sp22— social media

Hi, my name is Moriah. I am a current college student studying Multimedia Design and Marketing.