What is Social Media to you?

#im310-sp22— social media
2 min readJan 28, 2022

For me, Social Media is a bridge between space and time that allows us to share and voice our opinions to the world. At the touch of a finger, it has allowed me to stay at home without being there, connected me to friends I had once lost, and shown me places I never knew existed.

Being an international student has allowed me to truly appreciate social media. I have been able to keep up to date with friends and family across the world, most of which I would’ve lost touch with, and maintain a healthy relationship between them. A big fear in humanity is the fear of the unknown, and it shows when you create distance between people as both parties fear for the other and Social Media eliminates that fear. That is why Social Media is important and relevant in my life.

This is not the same for everybody. For most, it is a distraction from everyday life, a door to another realm and sometimes it can consume the user. That leads to addiction. Social Media companies have gotten better and better at keeping eyes on the screen for as long as possible. I once saw someone endlessly scrolling through Instagram to no end. New short form video platforms such as TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram reels have made this endless scroll addicting. Scrolling like that does not feel good to me at all. It’s as if it is widening a hole in your heart instead of filling it.

Social Media will always be popular, it will not fade away anytime in the near future. Now, Social Media is not all bad. There have been many cases where Social Media has saved lives such as the Haiti Earthquake where people used it to show the disaster that struck the area and gained huge news coverage on their situation. There are many cases like this where it was used to help people but they sometimes do not get the attention they deserve. Hopefully people will notice that more in the future. I am interested in the business aspect of social media as it is not easy to understand and can be quite complicated to fully grasp the concept and strategies which I am sure will be beneficial to the future.

Suds ~ 01/28/2022

