IM:310 Reflection on “We Live in Public”

Kam Clapper
#im310-sp24 — social media
3 min readFeb 7, 2024

Josh Harris, an entrepreneur, and subject of the documentary “We Live in Public,” allows us to deeply reflect on the implications of technology, surveillance, and the human psyche in the digital age. As I watched Josh Harris’ life story unfold in the film, I was amazed by how technology, privacy, and our need to connect all play together in a complicated way.

The main focus of “We Live in Public” is Josh Harris’ bold social experiment called Quiet. It’s like a small world where everyone’s actions are watched all the time, similar to the surveillance in George Orwell’s book “1984.” Harris wanted to see how technology affects who we are and how we interact with each other. Little did he know, his project hinted at the rise of social media we see today. Quiet showed how our privacy started to disappear even before social media became huge. It showed that we often give up personal space just to feel accepted and connected online.

Harris’s experiment tells us a lot about people and how much we want to be accepted and belong. Nowadays, because we do a lot online, it’s hard to tell what’s private and what’s public. This makes us open to being watched by everyone and controlled by computer programs. When we share things online, we have to decide how much of ourselves we want to show. It’s a balancing act between being real and trying to impress others. We all want to fit in, but we also have to be careful not to reveal too much about ourselves.

The movie also talks about how Harris became lonely and lost hope, showing how being watched all the time and losing real connections can really affect someone’s mind. Even though he had amazing ideas about the digital world, Harris himself suffered because of his experiment. He had to face the results of what he did and how it changed him. His story teaches us to be careful about how much technology we use and to remember to keep control over our own lives, especially in a world where everything is connected.

In “We Live in Public,” the breakdown of Josh Harris and his girlfriend’s relationship makes the story even more complicated, showing how technology can affect personal connections. As Harris focuses on his big social experiment, his relationship with his girlfriend changes a lot because of all the watching and stress. Their relationship is like a small version of what’s happening in the whole film, where we see how technology can get in the way of being close to someone. Harris gets too caught up in his experiment and wanting to be famous, and his girlfriend feels left out and upset. Their once-strong bond breaks because of all the pressure to be watched and liked online, showing how our privacy and true selves can get lost in the digital world.

Thinking about “We Live in Public” and what Josh Harris left behind, I realize how much technology shapes our lives and society. It can bring us together like never before, but it also brings big challenges to our well-being and freedom. In today’s world, where technology is everywhere, we have to be careful to protect our privacy and rights. We shouldn’t let constant watching take over our lives. Instead, we should take charge of our digital selves and make sure we keep control over them.

To sum up my reflection, “We Live in Public” shows us how technology and people’s lives come together, making us think about what it means for our future. Josh Harris’s experiment makes us face big questions about who we are, how much privacy we have, and how we connect with others in a world where technology keeps changing. As we think about these things, let’s learn from what we’ve seen and work toward a future where technology helps us feel stronger and more connected, instead of making us feel isolated.

