IM:310 Social Media Blog Post — Spreadable Media — “Charlie Bit my Finger”

Kam Clapper
#im310-sp24 — social media
3 min readApr 5, 2024

In the vast landscape of online content, few videos have achieved the level of viral success as “Charlie Bit My Finger.” This iconic YouTube clip, featuring two young brothers in a hilariously adorable moment, has captured audiences worldwide since its upload in 2007. But what makes this video stand out in the world of spreadable media?

It’s easy to explore the viral sensation of “Charlie Bit My Finger” by applying the principles outlined in “Spreadable Media” by Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford, and Joshua Green. This iconic video provides a case study for understanding the dynamics of spreadability and enduring popularity in the digital landscape.

Participatory Culture: At its core, “Charlie Bit My Finger” thrives on participatory culture. Viewers aren’t mere spectators; they actively engage with the content by watching, sharing, and reshaping it. This video taps into universal experiences of sibling dynamics, causing laughter and nostalgia from viewers across the globe. Its relatability goes beyond cultural and linguistic barriers, creating a sense of community among those who share and reminisce about similar moments.

Spreadability vs. Stickiness: Unlike traditional media content designed to keep audiences glued to a particular platform, “Charlie Bit My Finger” embraces spreadability. Its short runtime, humorous premise, and genuine charm make it incredibly shareable. Viewers feel compelled to pass it along to friends, family, and social networks, contributing to its exponential growth. Rather than relying on artificial hooks to keep viewers engaged, the video’s appeal encourages spontaneous sharing and dissemination across multiple platforms.

Gift Economy: The success of “Charlie Bit My Finger” is a testament to the power of the gift economy. Initially shared by the Davies-Carr family as a simple moment captured on camera, the video garnered unexpected attention and adoration from viewers worldwide. While the creators didn’t set out to create viral content, they embraced the organic spread of their video and capitalized on its popularity through advertising revenue. In this way, the video thrives within a gift economy where content is freely shared and appreciated by audiences, contributing to its ongoing relevance and impact.

Participatory Communities: Beyond its original upload, “Charlie Bit My Finger” created a vibrant ecosystem of participatory communities. Viewers created remixes, parodies, and memes inspired by the original clip, further extending its reach and cultural influence. The comments section on the video serves as a virtual gathering place where viewers share anecdotes, reactions, and personal connections to the content, fostering a sense of camaraderie among fans.

The video is proof of the power of authenticity and genuine human connection in viral success. Unlike scripted and polished media productions, this video captures a spontaneous and heartwarming moment between siblings, resonating with viewers on a deeply emotional level. In an era characterized by curated online personas and manufactured content, the raw authenticity of “Charlie Bit My Finger” was able to stand out as a refreshing reminder of the power of genuine expression and relatable storytelling.

“Charlie Bit My Finger” is as an example of spreadable media in action. Through participatory culture, spreadability, the gift economy, and participatory communities, this viral video continues to resonate with audiences worldwide, reminding us of the transformative power of shared experiences in the digital age.

