RIP Superman

Sarah Thomas, PhD
Published in
1 min readMay 31, 2019

I never knew your name, but I always knew where to find you.

Sometimes you would wave, sometimes you’d say hi, sometimes you’d seem to be in your own world.

Sometimes you’d sit on the bench on the left, sometimes the bench on the right. Sometimes you’d have your bike with you, which stood out almost as much as you did.

I don’t think we ever had a full conversation, although we did chat a couple of times about Pokémon Go.

Today on my run, I looked to my right, and you weren’t there. Instead, a sign, some flowers, and a balloon. The sign said “RIP Billy, our Superman.”

At first it didn’t click, but then I remembered the cape you used to wear as you rode your bike up and down that street. Superman.

I’m sorry I didn’t get to know you better, Billy. I wish I had slowed down, even once, to chat.



Sarah Thomas, PhD
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