Winter Break Musical Madness

Sarah Thomas, PhD
Published in
1 min readDec 23, 2018

Told y’all I’d be back…

Winter break has officially begun. Yesterday, I was inspired to record a cover song. As previously stated, I have a fear of public singing, although I love it. I also love karaoke.

Earlier this year, you may remember I tried to get out of my head and post something. No dice.

Yesterday I went on a music bender that also included car karaoke of Rihanna which I have yet to work up the nerve to share. First though, I was inspired to do a cover of Crush by Zhane. After a lengthy battle with myself, I have decided to post it.

This was done in one take, so it’s not polished. Also I’m not the best at mixing but it’s ok. I did 2 takes for the backup vocals because the first time they were way too dominant.

I will try and do more over break. Maybe a song a day but that might be too ambitious. I’ll try to do some original stuff because I haven’t recorded any of that in probably 5 years.



Sarah Thomas, PhD
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