About us (2018–2020)

Davor Petreski
Published in
1 min readFeb 24, 2020

25 students from 20 different countries, studying in Glasgow, Malta and Tallinn…

… that’s the 2018–2020 cohort of the Internation Master of Adult Education for Social Change (IMAESC). We are the third cohort of students undertaking this programme, starting in Glasgow in September 2018, with the second and third semester taking place in Malta and Tallinn. In 2020 we (hopefully!) all will turn in our Master’s thesis and graduate, and we’re telling you, time is flying!

The IMAESC programme sounds interesting to you? Well, it is! See the University of Glasgow website here for more information!

Curious about who we are? Hopefully our blog posts will allow you to enter our realities and get to know us and our views of the world a little bit! Stay tuned and always feel free to leave a comment!



Davor Petreski
Editor for

Interested in the intersection between Technology, Philosophy, Education