Malta Impressions II — time has flown!

Davor Petreski
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2020

This story was published on June 3rd 2019. It was written by the IMAESC Students (2018–2020 Cohort)

We can’t believe it!

Four to five months ago, we arrived in Malta. Has it really been that long? Time has been running through our fingers. Didn’t we just get here?

We have gotten to know many sides and so many colours of this fascinating country, some of which you can see in the pictures below.

It’s hard to leave, but, mela, we might come back some day!

Anna — “Malta is an island of bright colours, weird shapes, and intensive flower scents. Every walking or trekking in Malta is always accompanied by all three things.”
Afroditi — “The secret life of a snail in Malta, self portrait number one”
Ngoc — “taken on one of my first few days in malta. miranda, jordan and i were enjoying our wine at cafe castille, right on a corner off of castille palace, looking out to the square. it was the loveliest evening with the loveliest sunset view. “
Meerim — “Malta’s protector and door knobs #1”
Kathrin — “April in Malta is when the grass is still so green and fresh that running on it is just the best thing on earth”
Anna — “You can suddenly come across a chameleon in the grass, which changes its colour from light green into dark green due to the feeling of fear, fear of us, humans… “
Anna — “Or a snail hiding between the blossoms. “
Afroditi — “The secret life of a snail in Malta, self portrait number two”
Meerim — “Malta’s protectors and door knobs #2”
Anna — “This silent union of flora and fauna makes up the whole essence of nature existing in harmony with all its creatures. There is so much to explore here.”
Kathrin — “Away from cars and cranes, you find stunning temples of peace, just like this hidden tiny bay”
Christina — “Color of city life in Paceville”



Davor Petreski
Editor for

Interested in the intersection between Technology, Philosophy, Education