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Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2019

Did you watch the Season 8 opener? Well, I am totally obsessed about HBO’s The Game of Thrones and I’ve followed every season, seen all episodes till date.

So, how do the content managers behind Game of Thrones harness the storytelling driving the show? What can we take away from their work?

Not only is the GOT just great programming. It’s also an amazing opportunity to learn about the art of storytelling and apply that to your brand’s desire to connect with your own target audience.

Just in time for the season 8 opener, we thought to share with you these 3 notable Storytelling Lessons from Game of Thrones.

(1) Your visual game should be so strong.

Game of Thrones‘ content team is anything but lazy when it comes to visual marketing. One could even go so far as to say their visuals are as captivating as a Tyrell woman’s gaze, or as fierce as a baby dragon. It’s no secret that beautiful, high resolution photos and quotes have a tendency to do well on social media channels, but GoT takes it to another level, combining the two for an effect that’s completely, irresistibly shareable.

This emphasis on custom visual content, and its optimization, is one of the major reasons behind GoT‘s content marketing success, which makes sense when you consider your brands visual perception from your audience.

(2) Inform your audience, and entertain them.

It’s not enough just to show up or just keep putting up a post, even when you have an enormously passionate audience to speak to from the very beginning.

Social media managers could stand to take note of the way that GoT‘s content marketing calendar is filled with a variety of content types that keep audiences engaged even between seasons — in much the same way that brands of all sizes should keep their fans active and listening even between big seasonal sales pushes or bigger campaigns.

(3) Always show BTS from your workplace

Giving people something of value can mean different things for different brands — and incentivizing audiences with a behind-the-scenes look, showing them the human elements in the organization is one of the most cost effective ways to give something meaningful to them. Audiences wants to relate directly with humans, people behind the amazing work your brand is doing.

GoT folds insider and red carpet content into the mix to give fans exclusive access to what’s going on in the Westeros universe in the palms of their hands — all over 17 million of them.

Business owners and marketers, it’s 2019 and at this point it’s clear that content is king. So what are you going to do to get on the level of Game of Thrones?

In conclusion, Will Game of Thrones’ ending be satisfying? That remains to be seen. The eighth season opened with a modest but effective premiere two weeks ago. The upcoming Battle of Winterfell is set to be the show’s bloodiest battle yet.



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