How to Make Your Brand Story Irresistible

Image Boosters
Image Boosters
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2019

Your Brand story is what helps you clearly communicate your company’s belief and values to the outside world. Most importantly, these stories play a crucial role in building customer loyalty and inspiring engagement.

Credit: Spinx Digital

You see, today’s customers not only care about what you have to offer or the quality of your products. They’re also interested in your vision and purpose, and what your business stands for. Simply put, customers want to know the reason why your business exists.

So, In this article, we’ve highlighted the top 5 ways to make your Brand story an irresistible one for your users and potential customers.

  1. Give your brand story a backbone

There’s no golden rule to follow when it comes to creating a powerful brand story because every business is unique. However, there’s one thing that every story requires and that is a clear structure.

If you analyzed well-known brand stories, you’d quickly notice that most of them have a similar structure that is pretty straightforward.

2. Make your customers part of your brand story

Let’s be honest, without people who choose to trust you with their time and money, your brand wouldn’t exist. You can offer the finest quality products, but if nobody buys or talks about them, all your effort will go down the drain.

That’s why the most authentic and successful brands make customers part of their story. You might be wondering why anyone would want to be part of yours.

3. Be proud of your brand story

Not every visitor will hit that “Our Story” button on your website to learn what your business stands for. In fact, if that page is the only place where your brand story comes into the picture, you’re in trouble.

Your brand story should run through every step your customer takes while interacting with your brand. And that means that you need to communicate your core brand values through product descriptions, marketing, and advertising copy, visual material, public announcements, you name it.

4. Create a brand story that builds a community

Human beings are social creatures that need a sense of belonging. Believe me when I say that your brand, with its unique story and beliefs, can create a sense of belonging for customers who resonate with it. In fact, that’s how brand communities are born.

5. Showcase the human element of your brand

A powerful brand story doesn’t necessarily have to make you laugh or shed a tear. It just has to be authentic and honest. Most importantly, it has to be human.

You could probably agree that your favorite brands are not the ones you view as corporate machines or objects without a personality, but rather the brands that show their human side.

Don’t hesitate to give your brand a face. Share behind-the-scenes content, host short employee interviews, or showcase your sense of humor

Conclusively, The one essential fact to keep in mind when you embark on your journey to build a memorable brand is that, like Rome, no brand was built in a day. While applying the principles discussed here, allow yourself time to stumble, fail, learn and grow. The war wounds will only make your brand stronger.



Image Boosters
Image Boosters

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