a soup of serenity

An original poem.

OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates
Image Magazine
2 min readJan 13, 2023


Photo by Allan Reyes on Flickr

By Julianne Tenorio

nanay dances around the kitchen
as she gracefully cuts up garlic for the adobo
or sprinkles in saffron for our tinola
her soul permeates the air
as i inhale notes of savory and sour from my bedroom
transporting me back to that sacred continent across the ocean
the mangga trees that cover my lola’s backyard
and the cacophonous cries of the roosters
the damp grass cradles my feet
as i inhale the humid air that surrounds my skin
my garden of Eden

sitting before me is a vessel of wisdom
no matter if it’s a bowl or a plate
cleansing my conscience with every bite, every sip
tranquil waves flow through my veins
warm breaths leave my lungs
the chitter chatter of nanay’s gossip
the hearty laughs of tatay
i am happy here.

and though they would point and laugh
at my tear-stained metal thermos
and the neon post-its with “love mom”
written in messy marker
i always found solace
coming home to leftovers
in peace

a magic cure for every ailment
a place of relief for each anxiety
thank you, nanay, tatay
for your calming cuisine
with dishes of patience
and soups of serenity.

Author’s Message:

I hope this poem brings comfort and acts as a safe space for all audience reading it, despite the fact that this piece is specifically tailored towards my Filipino experience. There is always appreciation and beauty that lies with the native cuisine that we grew up with and continue to enjoy. I always see cultural dishes with nostalgia, love, and so many other pleasant emotions that I wanted to convey in this piece, juxtaposing it with the shame that we may have felt when others didn’t understand why we like what we liked. I poured so much love and emotion into this piece, and I hope that that warmth can be felt through the screen to you, the reader, no matter where you are! ❤

About the Author

Julianne Tenorio (she/they) is a 17-year-old Filipino-American based in Southern California. Passionate about AAPI advocacy, Tenorio has been a member of Dear Asian Youth for over 2 years primarily within the Literature department, where she currently serves as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Projects and has published numerous pieces about topics ranging from identity to politics. Alongside their interest in activism, Tenorio plans to pursue oncology and fuse social justice and medicine by working to address the roots of healthcare disparities.



OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates
Image Magazine

OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates is a national membership-driven organization dedicated to advancing the well-being of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders