Shrinath Palwankar
Image processing using FPGA
2 min readFeb 28, 2021

In this article, I will be explaining the hardware processing unit of IFGA image processing. In this, we will see different types of algorithms and their step-wise implementation. mentioned techniques. There are two distinct elements for ameliorating images. Those are spatial frequency and spatial domain approaches. The approach based on frequency concentrates on image transformation based upon mathematical transformation and the spatial domain approach concentrates on the pixel.


1) Brightness Manipulation

2) Operating threshold

3) Contrast stretching

1) Brightness Manipulation

Brightness is overall darkness or lightness. If the image is taken in a dark room or less light with the help of brightness manipulation technique the image will be ameliorated. For ameliorating and reducing the image brilliance missions based on the manipulation of brightness are done. Immediately after manipulation of brightness, the brighter image tends to be lighter and the lighter image becomes brilliant.

2) Contrast Stretching

Contrast stretching is called as normalization of image. It is an enhancement technique that improves the contrast by stretching the Image in a certain range of values till image pixels’ values allow it to be stretched. The purpose of contrast stretching is to ameliorate the brilliance of a particular object with respect to its background atmosphere because of which could be lucidly elucidated.

3) Operating Thresholding

In digital image processing, operating thresholding is the method of segmenting images From a grayscale image it is used to create binary images. In simple words operating threshold method replaces a pixel in an image with a black pixel. For segmentation and separation, the thresholding of an image is an efficient tool.


The input images are placed in the IP core of ROM. In this image of size 128*128 was used. For the sake of storing these many, no’s of pixels the size of ROM will be the same as the size of the image which is given at input. Initially, the given image as input is captured in dull light so the system uses different algorithms on it such as contrast stretching and manipulation of brightness. The resultant of this algorithm will be propagated from the hyper terminal which compels the help of block of transmitter predominant to the hyper terminal. The image obtained here will be checked by using MA TLAB. Core IP is a Generator Memory Block which used for storing images given at input. (UART) is used to transmit data parallelly, Start bit ‘0’ and then data bits followed by an optional parity bit at end stop bit


