Implementation of Edge Detection Using FPGA

Image processing using FPGA
2 min readJun 7, 2021

Image processing is a type of signal processing in which the image or information regarding image is fed as an input signal and various operations are performed on it. The various operations performed on it can be used on a host of applications such as Image filtering, medical imaging, wireless communication, image compression, computer vision etc.

In this blog we are going to discuss about the edge detection in the video using FPGA. We can implement edge detection algorithm using FPGA on CYCLONE II FPGA device using ALTERA DE2 FPGA KIT. The input video or image come from a NTSC/PAL camera and the edge detected images are displayed on a VGA monitor.

In this video processing chain video data source is NTSC camera, which is given to TV Decoder, which extracts the analog signal into digitized output, the digitized output is given as input to itu656 Decoder which, extracts the signals from the TV decoder and conversion of serial to parallel of the digitized input video signal is performed. This output in itu656 formats is given as input to YCrCb converter. YCrCb converter gives YCrCb format output which is given to dual buffer which converts the interlaced signal to de-interlace signal. The de-interlaced signal is given to YCrCb to RGB converter, which will give the RGB format of the signal as output. RGB is applied to EDGE DETECTOR BLOCK. The output of the filter is the filtered image, which is given to DAC which converts the digital form of the input to analog format. Output of DAC is fed to VGA monitor, which is of specifications 640*480. Filtered image could be visible on VGA monitor.

Edge detection in video using FPGA

The presented design can be work At 27MHz clock at VGA resolution of 640*480. So, In this blog we can conclude that using this technique we can detect edges in video using FPGA more superiorly and easily.

