Post-Layer Normalization

Sandaruwan Herath
Data Science and Machine Learning
3 min readApr 18, 2024

In the intricate architecture of the Transformer, Post-Layer Normalization (Post-LN) plays a pivotal role in stabilizing the learning process and ensuring the model’s robust performance across different linguistic tasks. This component is critical in refining the outputs from both the attention sublayers and the feedforward sublayers within the encoder and decoder modules of the Transformer.

Post-Layer Normalization Explained:

Post-layer normalisation is a technique designed to enhance the model’s training stability and performance. It follows each sublayer within the Transformer’s architecture — namely, the multi-head attention and the feedforward neural networks.

Post-layer normalization[1]

Component Functions of Post-LN:

  1. Addition of Residual Connections:
  • The Post-LN includes an additive function that combines the input of the sublayer (x) with its output (Sublayer(x)). This addition is termed the residual connection.
  • Purpose: Residual connections help preserve essential information throughout the depth of the network, preventing the degradation of input signals in deeper layers — a common issue known as the vanishing gradients problem.

2. Layer Normalization Process:

  • After adding the residual connections, the next step is layer normalization, which normalizes the summed output.
  • Normalization Equation: LayerNormalization(x+Sublayer(x))
  • This process involves standardizing the resulting vector v (where v=x+Sublayer(x)) to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1, which are then scaled and shifted using learned parameters to ensure effective training dynamics.

Mathematical Insights:

  • Vector v: Represents the element-wise addition of the input x and the output from a sublayer Sublayer(x).
  • Standardization: The elements of v are normalized such that:

μ = Mean of elements in v

σ = Standard deviation of elements in v

  • Learned Parameters: γ (scaling factor) and β (bias vector), which are optimized during training to adjust the normalization effect.

Example and Functionality:

Consider a Transformer configured with a model dimension (dmodel​) of 512. Each vector v processed by the Post-LN is of this dimension, ensuring uniformity and consistency across all operations within the model:

  • Input to LayerNormalization: v=x+Sublayer(x), where x is the input vector to the sublayer and Sublayer(x) is the processed output vector of either the attention mechanism or the feedforward network.
  • Output of LayerNormalization: The output is a vector that has been normalized and adjusted by parameters γ and β, ready for subsequent processing or to be passed to the next layer.

Practical Implications and Benefits:

  • Enhanced Training Stability: By normalizing the outputs, Layer Normalization mitigates the risk of exploding gradients, which can derail the training process of deep neural networks.
  • Improved Model Performance: Standardizing the outputs helps in maintaining a healthy distribution of activations throughout the model, which is crucial for achieving high performance on varied NLP tasks.
  • Consistency Across Layers: With each sublayer output being normalized, the Transformer model ensures that inputs to each subsequent layer maintain a consistent scale, promoting smoother and faster convergence during training.


In summary, Post-Layer Normalization is a cornerstone in the Transformer architecture that not only safeguards the quality of information flowing through the model but also optimizes the internal dynamics for superior task performance. This mechanism allows the Transformer to efficiently handle complex patterns and dependencies in data, making it a robust choice for advanced NLP applications.


Following the multi-head attention sublayer and post-layer normalization (post-LN), the output, which maintains a dimensionality of dmodel​=512, enters the Feedforward Network (FFN). This sublayer is pivotal in processing the data sequentially within each position across the sequence independently.


[1]. Vaswani, A., Shazeer, N., Parmar, N., Uszkoreit, J., Jones, L., Gomez, A. N., … & Polosukhin, I. (2017). Attention is all you need. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 5998–6008).

[2]. Rothman, D. (2024). Transformers for Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. Packt Publishing.



Sandaruwan Herath
Data Science and Machine Learning

IT Consultant/Lecturer | Data Analyst/BI Consultant/Machine Learning