9 Reasons Why C++ is a Good Platform for Computer Vision

3 min readJan 31, 2022


Many people are familiar with the term “computer vision” This is because computer vision has become an extremely important field in recent years. As humans, we rely on our sight to do everything from reading books to driving cars. But computers cannot see like us. They need help recognizing objects and differentiating between them (for example, a dog versus a stop sign). This is where computer vision comes into play. Computer vision systems can be programmed to identify certain images or patterns that they have been trained on. C++ is one of the most popular languages for writing computer vision programs because it offers several advantages over other programming languages such as Python or Java.

Photo by Eduardo Dutra

Here are nine reasons why C++ is a good platform for computer vision:


C++ offers more flexibility than other languages. For example, you can use C++ to create standalone applications or libraries that can be used by other programs. This makes it a good choice for developing complex systems.

Direct access to the hardware

C++ provides direct access to the hardware. This means you can easily control the speed and performance of your computer vision applications by optimizing certain parts in C++ code directly.

Catching errors

C++ is a statically typed language, which makes it easier to catch errors when compiling your code rather than at the run time. It also helps further optimize runtime performance because variables are type-checked before they are used.


C++ is a compiled language, meaning that it gets converted from human-readable code into machine code before the computer can actually execute it. As a result, applications are written in C++ usually run faster than their interpreted counterparts such as Python or Java.

Documentation and support

The documentation and support for open source libraries and frameworks have been improving on a regular basis. This makes it easier for beginners to get started with C++ and computer vision without reinventing the wheel.

C++ diversity

C++ can be used to create both command-line tools and high-level graphical user interfaces (GUI) applications such as video games or visual programming environments like OpenCV.

C++ standard library (STL)

The C++ standard library provides many useful functions and classes that make it easier to write computer vision programs without having to reinvent the wheel.

Statically typed

C++ is statically typed, so you don’t have to spend time defining types in your code for each variable or parameter. This makes C++ a concise language, which makes it easy for beginners to learn when compared with other languages such as Python.

C++ abstraction mechanisms

C++ offers powerful abstraction mechanisms that allow you to hide the underlying complexity of certain tasks from the user. This makes it possible to write code that is both easy to read and understand while still providing a high level of performance.

These are just some of the reasons why C++ is a good platform for computer vision. In conclusion, C++ is a versatile language that can be used to develop complex systems with high-performance requirements.

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