Top 9 Open-Source C++ Computer Vision Libraries

Yaniv Noema
4 min readJan 10, 2022


Computer vision has become an essential part of our lives. Apps like Snapchat and Instagram rely on computer vision to detect what is in your photo and then apply filters accordingly. Computer vision also helps self-driving cars see the world around them, and can be used for more serious applications such as analyzing medical images or understanding how a home’s wiring might respond to a natural disaster.

C++ is one of the most popular programming languages in use today, with many libraries available for it. However, not every C++ library will work well with all types of computer vision problems; some may specialize in certain areas while others are better suited for general-purpose use cases.

In this post, we’ll take a look at the top ten open-source C++ computer vision libraries. We’ll start with a brief description of each library and then provide some code examples to help you get started.


OpenCV is one of the most popular computer vision libraries in use today. It has been around for over two decades and has a large community of developers. OpenCV offers a wide range of features, including face detection, object tracking, color recognition, and more.


VIGRA is a cross-platform C++ computer vision library for image processing and computer vision algorithms. It includes many useful features such as support for color spaces (RGB, CMYK, CIELAB), object tracking, homography estimation, and more.


CUDA is a library from NVIDIA that allows you to use the GPU for general-purpose computing tasks. It can be used for tasks such as training neural networks or performing image processing operations. CUDA is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and has been ported to many different programming languages including C++, C, Python, Java, and MATLAB.


Torch is a scientific computing library that uses the Lua programming language to perform machine learning tasks such as neural network training or inference. It has been used by companies like Facebook for deep learning applications. If you’re already familiar with Lua then Torch will be easy to pick up; if not, don’t worry, the syntax is relatively simple.


TensorFlow is a popular machine learning library created by Google. It can be used for tasks such as training neural networks or performing image recognition. TensorFlow has a large community of developers and is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


OpenNI is a cross-platform library for performing computer vision tasks. It is used in many different low-cost devices that have the ability to sense depth or detect motions, such as Microsoft Kinect. OpenNI supports both desktop and mobile platforms including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, and Raspberry Pi.


Dlib is a cross-platform C++ library designed for machine learning applications. It can be used for tasks such as object detection, facial recognition, and more. Dlib has been used in many commercial products including the Xbox One Kinect sensor and Amazon’s Echo Look camera.

DLib is a collection of algorithms that are commonly needed when building neural networks or training data sets using machine learning algorithms. It includes many image processing algorithms, such as face detection and training support vector machines. DLib supports Windows and Linux with macOS currently in development.


VXL is a cross-platform open-source computer vision library written in C++11/C++14. It provides an extensive set of functionalities to facilitate video analysis tasks including dense optical flow, object detection, and more. VXL is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Caffe is a deep learning library created by Berkeley AI Research (BAIR). It can be used for tasks such as training neural networks or performing image recognition. Caffe has been ported to many different programming languages including Python, MATLAB, and C++.

This article has given you a comprehensive list of the top 10 open-source C++ computer vision libraries. We hope this information will be valuable to anyone who is interested in using these tools for their own projects or research endeavors. Have you had any experience with some of these resources? Let us know! provide you with an easy way to build image datasets.
15K+ categories to choose from
Consistent folders structure for easy parsing
Advanced tools for dataset pre-processing: image format, data split, image size and data augmentation.

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Yaniv Noema

I’m a computer vision 💻👁️engineer who likes to write about artificial intelligence, machine learning, image processing, and Python🐍