How I Became A Programmer, While Not Looking Like One

Brian Kim
Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2020

Growing up in an Asian household, I always assumed that I would pursue STEM. But during my last year of high school, I went to Italy where I took zero STEM classes and discovered joy in learning about different people and cultures. Soon, I found passion in mental health so I switched to Psychology. But during my time off in the Korean army, I found myself questioning my field yet again. So there I was, in my first semester back from the national service, taking my first programming class ever.

Me during the Orientation Week when I was certain I would never take a STEM class in college

I told my graduating classmates about my switch to Computer Science, and they all wanted to know why I made such a drastic change, since I didn’t “look like a programmer.” I didn’t blame them; I didn’t think so either. At that moment, all I knew was that I liked listening to and helping people, which is what initially drew me towards counseling. But I craved a more immediate, real-world applicable approach, so I decided to learn some programming. Plus, coding is used in any field of research, so I thought that it wouldn’t be a waste of time. I would give it a try for a semester and then decide if I should truly commit myself to yet another different major.

In this moment of discovery and confusion, I ended up going to Stockholm for a long weekend in early December with a friend. I was mostly going there for the ABBA museum, but she wanted some local suggestions, so she reached out to a few NYU Abu Dhabi alumni who invited us to their office for a quick get-together over tea — and that’s how I first stepped into the world of imagiLabs. As two of the co-founders, Bea and Dori, talked about their experiences since graduating from NYUAD and starting imagiLabs, I was awestruck by their entrepreneurship. They were tackling a problem very personal to them (gender inequality in STEM) with a technology-driven solution (teaching young girls how to code). And that moment, as I was listening to them talk about their passion, was when I realized why I should continue studying CS: to create real-world solutions to problems that I want to address.

My friend and me escaping from Stockholm winter by jumping into a Greek summer scene of Mamma Mia

Less than a year later, I completed my two-months long internship at imagiLabs. As expected, I learned a lot about Swift and Xcode by working closely with full-time iOS developers and became a pro at GitHub, since everything was done remotely. But to my surprise, I also learned that a programmer does more than writing code; they think about the audience. As I participated in user story discussions during sprint planning and designed in-app learning content from scratch on Figma, I spent a lot of time brainstorming how to improve user experience. I found myself pondering questions about the needs and challenges of a typical English-speaking teenage girl, who is the target user of imagiLabs. This kind of thought process helped me grow as a programmer, who codes not for the sake of coding but for the sake of helping people.

I really believe that my internship at imagiLabs has taught me to put people first. So moving forward, I want to continue being part of projects that tackle social issues around me. In the next few months, I will be working for the Korean government as a Big Data Analysis intern to identify problems and propose policy solutions for my province. I hope that this experience, albeit in a different realm of programming, will further teach me how to use technology for bettering the lives of many.

My first ever hackathon team Nitaq that went all the way to winning the audience award!

I still feel uneasy about calling myself a programmer because I think the term by itself loses the nuance of the behind-the-scenes intentions. But as long as I am deliberate about the humans who will benefit from the tools I create, I think I can embrace this term.

So, yes, I am a programmer, while not looking like one.

