Teaching girls to code so they will shape the world

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2 min readMar 14, 2019

This Saturday we hosted our second Creative coding workshop of this year. Eight bubbly and curious teenage girls joined us last Saturday morning to learn about expressing themselves creatively through code.

It was so much fun to watch the girls learn basic programming concepts within Python such as creating their own colours with RGB color model and how to loop rows of code. All the meanwhile, seeing their work in a tangible way as displayed on our imagiCharm prototypes.

It is so exciting to see our young but fierce programmers being so curious and motivated after coding their own symbols and colors on the imagiCharm! Their engagement increases and they want to push themselves to learn more code to create even cooler designs to display and show their friends.

We all know very well that technology is transforming the world we live in. The nature of work is changing fast, and in the future, more and more jobs will require us to know various programming languages. Therefore, having digital skills is becoming increasingly important, and will increasingly continue to be so in the future.

Moreover, if we want to ensure an equal society in the future, we need to actively think about addressing the big gap in the percentage of women in tech. How we raise our girls and what they experience and are introduced to while growing up impacts everyone’s future. We all inherit many talents, but only the talents which we focus and work on with encouragement will be developed. That encouragement comes not only from our family and friends but from the role models in our lives.

This is where imagiLabs comes into the picture.

We come to work everyday so happy to have the opportunity to help teenage girls develop their talents in programming! At imagiLabs we believe it is crucial to inspire girls to engage in tech from an early age but also to continue to nurture this interest throughout the years when they grow the most and start to figure out what it is they want to pursue long-term. We want to fully enable girls to have equal opportunities for the future but also to shape it.

We are already looking forward to more workshops this Spring to work with both our beginner and intermediate level girls and to meet even more future world changers!

