The Hole

Lachlan Rogers
Imaginary Homelands
6 min readMar 22, 2021

8th January 2023

It was astonishing that I could just stand there and just stare at that… hole. Parking up in my car, several hundred metres away because of all the other deranged individuals who beat me there, I slowly walked toward where the crowd meets, still not feeling the same attraction to this hole as everyone else. People of any type were there: the miners, who’ve barely seen the sun, let alone another person for the past few months, the husbands, who have rightfully so, already gone mad from their likely insane partner, only now seeking refuge at this event, and even the children, looking like they’re being attracted with some sort of force toward this hole. I’m sure the celebrities were there as well, but I doubt they’d be willing to share it.

I began to rethink my decision to go to this event as I let go of my car, shutting the door quietly as to not disturb anyone. Looking behind myself, I saw even more cars parking, ramming into each other, drifting across the soft mud which covers the ground off the road. The highway slowly became a stand still as people rushed to exit the road, never to come back to their cars.

Walking toward it, I was under constant pressure to walk faster as people from behind me are running, brushing, clashing past my shoulders, some not even worrying and completely running into me. Turning around again, it was then like there was a zombie apocalypse and they’re trying to eat the hole. I took a moment to climb onto the bonnet and then the roof of the car I was just passing, 30 metres from the hole. The circle of people, savages, around the hole was becoming so large and so heavily fought for that people were being pushed into the hole relentlessly, against their will, unknowing as to what they were getting in to.

I decided it was time I should have a proper look. Jumping from one car to the next, I got on top of the closest car to the hole, which is engulfed by people all around, trying to get in. Looking inside the hole I saw absolute darkness. No light was getting in. No light was getting out. It is literally a black hole, sucking people in just for the sake of it but not reflecting any light other than those souls on the corona. The car I was on got jolted and I lost my balance, falling forward into the crowd of people, only metres away. I lied on the ground for a moment, wetting myself in the mud and getting my body slammed back into the ground as I tried to get back up by people as they rush forward.

Trying to stand up, I slipped, pushing someone on the edge off and into the hole as they scream. It was my time. I decided that either I’ll get pushed in very soon or I jump myself. As I leapt into the hole, I felt magnetic. Like trying to push two of the same poles of magnets towards each other. But just like two magnets, I got rejected from the hole, back into the crowd. Bewildered, looking back into the hole, I got pushed back in again, and again, got pushed back out. I run. It didn’t want me. Pushing back on people, I climbed back onto a car and jumped again back to where there was enough room to at least run the other way.

People were leaving their cars forever so I figure someone would be willing to give me the keys for me to get out of here. After falling on my face multiple times, trying to climb the small hill of mud back up to the highway, I found a black car with a menacing looking man wearing a black suit standing outside. Looking at me, like he was waiting. Expecting me. I walked forward towards him and he opened the door. I slid in and we began to drive..

7th January 2023

As we all sat on our couches earlier today, eyes glued to the screens showing us something so boring, so barren but so amazing, we needed to find out what it was further. The reporters told us it showed up yesterday, around noon and people have been flocking to it ever since, sitting and staring at it and then, eventually, jumping in. In disbelief, minutes go by where we watch a live stream of this hole. People were going inside, absolutely blind. And no one knows where it leads. Then it clicks. We had to get there ourselves and see.

13th September 2023

Eight months now, since the hole appeared, and everyone knows about it. It has been attracting every human on the planet and It’s starting to become out of control. I’m glad I was able to find this journal again.

The first few days saw hundreds of thousands of people make the plunge into the void, not to come out. A week later and the government has military presence at the site, attempting to stop people from jumping in, only to jump themselves. The whole city had, at that point, been deserted as anyone who was there, is now wherever the hole leads, or travelling as far away as possible. It looked almost post-apocalyptic. Then the international travel began. People began coming from every airport possible, landing in the absolute closest airport possible, spending thousands just to get to this one place and then, jump. At this point, the only people who weren’t feeling the urge to travel to the hole were leaders, who had been prevented from leaving their buildings as if we lost them, we may as well be all in the hole and “the chosen”; people who don’t feel the attraction.

Living in this bunker, so close to the hole, is becoming hard. But not hard to resist wanting to go into the hole, resisting simply wanting fresh air and interaction with decent humans. I managed to be one of the chosen, but I can’t figure out why. The other chosen in this bunker with me don’t do much to help. I seem to be the only one with any social skills or initiative to venture outside of the confines of my room more than 3 times a day for food. I’m glad I wasn’t allocated a roommate.

4th January 2022

I’ve finally arrived in the city. My brand-new life can finally begin here. A new house, new job; a new everything. Growing up, moving from farm to farm after my father would make his profit and have enough to buy a new one has certainly prepared me for this move. Although, I think the city will be extremely different in culture to my little old country towns. Leaving my friends was the hardest part about moving away, I don’t know how living by myself will go. Hopefully, there’s some other sane people on the 24th floor of this massive building.

4th January 2024

Reading today’s log from 2 years ago is hilarious. The day before everyone’s lives around the world got dramatically changed, for the limited humans left now that is. “I don’t know how living by myself will go” boy how wrong I was there. I’ve been hearing rumours around the bunker that they’re going to be calling it quits soon. I don’t think it could come sooner; some fresh air would be absolutely amazing; the green room down here just doesn’t replicate it well enough. Bunker life certainly isn’t as flashy as it might seem to be in the movies. Being locked down here with 12 other people, all of which are the chosen. Apart from my own room which I managed to get to myself, (being the odd number) escaping to the living area with a television and the same 9 of movies which I play on repeat, provides me with just enough exposure to something different to the many concrete walls of this confine to be able to stay somewhat sane through all this. This hole really changed everything.

