Our Poem

from Our Hopeful Climate Futures Huddle

Andrea Gilly
Collective Imagination Practice
4 min readJul 5, 2024


These poems were created by members of the Our Hopeful Climate Futures Huddle. You can also read our recipe for hope.
They were created using a technique called Exquisite Corpse as inspiration, this technique was used in the surrealist movement to make collective illustrations of surreal creatures. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

This is a screenshot of our poem process in our collective miro board designed by Savannah Vizeh

Simply Imagining

Simply imagining is my favourite thing to do,
when I do this in reciprocity
when I imagine next to you, and you imagine next to me,
this shared dream
that sleeps. Softly, Gently. Beautifully.

For everyone to dream with.
For everyone, everyone who has ever lived,
now singing together as one
Oneness as a planet that is connected through billions of years of change
change is here, here, here
as long as we don’t stop imagining

So simple and yet so powerful, why are chances so rare?

Daring to Hope

Hope should be natural, it shouldn’t be so radical to do
Hope can be so hard;
A small act of rebellion and resilience that doesn’t come
so naturally…

We dream, we swim, we walk, we sit, we breathe.
deeply, quietly, allowing nature to enter
through the concrete,
a flower emerges to teach us the wisdom of hope.

Playing to be here
dancing in the abyss
no matter how dark it is
I won’t lose my light.

Our Brave Space

Who would have thought the connections would be so strong?
It’s been so magical to find braveness when I didn’t know I was looking for it.
We made it ourselves, out of conversation and vulnerability.

Vulnerability can be a blessing:
true strength, powerful like the ocean
echoing within and evoking a powerful response

That feeling of a hand reaching out to steady you.
Who dares to dream and open wide?
Fly like a seed: bravery requires nurturing.


Learning from other beings is learning from our ancestors
I wonder if people have wondered as we have, in the past
It used to be easier
When I was young I could feel the connection:
finding community in my gut bacteria
listening to the mycelium
electrical waves tingling.
Listen through the senses of tiny creatures. Sensitive. Subtle. Spectacular.
All vibrating in harmony and celestial rhythm.
Nature gently shows us how to be a good ancestor.

A good ancestor starts today
You are what is to come.

The Little Things

Precious little things
so precious they are carried by the wind
Shhhh! Listen…
What we already have is carried to us:
they’re difficult to define but they arrive as gifts.

Every reflection, every laughter, every unmuted comment
is a gift
passed on virtually to each other through screens, but wrapped
so beautifully
in sea algae
that has floated onto the shore after a storm

Waiting to be unwrapped by careful hands
when the time is ripe
we savour the little things
because what else really is there.

Aha Moments

Deep breath in
the sound of a gasp followed by a sly smile,
Aha moments are here and we finally see.

Close your eyes and reach deep enough
Some are new realisations, some old

The rituals we have
connecting sparks firing, linking observations to ideas and ideas to hope
In synchronicity
they are the medicine that spins my actions
my mind…
bringing light and magic moments.


Magic carries us when we let go
of knowing what is happening.

Magical internal “goal-posts”
magic is presence

Our presence has magic in itself;
difficult to describe but powerful to experience.

It is present and it is my intuition
Finding magic at our fingertips, in our gut reactions
Giving meaning to every little millisecond of life
across bodies of flesh
and bodies of celestial movement.

Hope as Practice

We find a smidge of discipline in our most creative act
comes from different shapes and forms;
creativity puts us into motion.

We need to exercise those hopeful muscles more.
This has been an incredible realisation.

I have found unexpected answers
that we had to practice unearthing
and discover together.
Subtle miracles.
Big ideas.
Connections that inspire me to act.

Taking Action Now

I… You… We… They… Us …
Together. Powerful

Power corrupts unless we have a guardian
Connect deeply and practice hope humbly
Act fiercely and with your hips
We don’t need anything else but our connections

Feeling ready to try new things, trusting our collective instincts
It is incredible really, to have a space to be with all these wonderful

To tap into those relationships
and let them hold us.

Collective Power

Together we enter our sheltered cocoon
and think,
and share,
and imagine what it could be like
if there was only one single drumbeat to follow:
a shared drumbeat resonating through us.

Let the beat begin and we shall follow with joy in our hearts,
Coral in our bones

Bones dancing
Strength in numbers

Realising that power can come from care,
this practice of caring has given me answers.

Poems written by: Savannah Vize, Chau Hoang, John Varney, Daniela Pascual Esparza, Anu Paajanen, Sanne Winderickx, Esther Hayes Grossman, Nat Hunter, Andy Hyde, & Andrea Gilly.



Andrea Gilly
Collective Imagination Practice

A designer focusing in sustainability transitions, writing about my work, and reflecting on sustainable futures