Inventor’s Challenge Twitter Takeover with Creativity Consultant Tonya Fletcher
Imagination Blog
2 min readFeb 26, 2018

--’s AT&T Inventor’s Challenge is up and running! We asked Imagination Creativity Consultant Tonya Fletcher to take over our Twitter feed to share her expertise on the Challenge with everyone. She provided great resources and ideas; read on, and then join us in the Challenge!

Hi! This is Tonya Fletcher (@tonya_nc) and I’m excited to share some tips and information about this year’s #InventorsChallenge! #ATTimpact @ConnectToGood

The Imagination Foundation’s journey began with nine-year-old inventor Caine Monroy . One of our biggest events of the year is the #InventorsChallenge. …

AT&T and encourage kids to create solutions to problems in their school or community. Sign up for the 2018 contest today! #ATTimpact

I have been amazed to see kids really run with their ideas. They are definitely creative and passionate! My younger students see the inventions and decide to invent stuff, too!

We think about a problem they might have noticed in their own world or at school. We had been learning about people with disabilities lately so this year we thought about how to help someone with a physical or intellectual disability.

Usually my students break off into small groups or try it alone. I leave the choice up to them.

After brainstorming ideas, our students researched their problem and other solutions. They wanted to create something new.

I’ve been most inspired by my students who have been designing games to help people with disabilities and to help build friendship skills. In this day and time, it is more important than ever to connect with one another and treat each other with respect. These kids have huge hearts!

My students have been inspired by kid inventors! Did you know kids invented the Popsicle and the trampoline? One of our favorite inventors is Kelvin Doe: …. #ATTImpact #InventorsChallenge

Here’s a link to my teacher resource page from the first year my school held its own #InventorsChallenge: . Check out the pictures from that event! …

The #InventorsChallenge closes February 28.


Imagination Blog

Fostering creativity & entrepreneurship in children around the world. Powered by Two Bit Circus Foundation. #CardboardChallenge #CreativePlay #TwoBitCircusOrg