Resources for the Cardboard Challenge and 2017 Day of Play
Imagination Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017

We are so pleased by the enormous response to the Global Cardboard Challenge this year! The movement continues to grow. We are very grateful for all of you who use the Cardboard Challenge to foster the creativity of kids in your life. Here are some of the resources we have available to support your activities. If you have other resources, or just some great advice, please don’t hesitate to comment on this post!


We have two playbooks to help you plan your activities: our 2016 Global Cardboard Challenge Playbook; and the Design for Change Playbook.

Keep in mind that you are the organizer of the Cardboard Challenge. We offer lots of advice, but ultimately it’s up to you. If you have time to plan, design and prototype, then go for it. But if you don’t, you can always skip design, get right to building and just have fun. Kids will have no trouble jumping in.

The Design for Change Playbook, created in partnership with our friends from Design for Change, introduces a creative variation to the Cardboard Challenge, emphasizing physical constraints in the build process, helping children work better together and develop empathy in the creative process.


A new favorite image this year, thanks to our new friends at AKOS, is the Imagination’s Day of Play Cardboard Balloon. Other logos for the Global Cardboard Challenge and Day of Play can be found here.

Use the logos as you see fit to promote your activities!

What’s Going on with the Website?

We must admit that the process for developing our new website is taking longer than expected. The functionality we’ve been planning would allow Cardboard Challenge enthusiasts to better share their activities, as well as search the activities of others. If you haven’t registered at, please do so ASAP! That way you’ll automatically get updated as soon as the formal website is ready (which is any day now… really…).

We hope you’ll join the “Global Cardboard Challenge for Everyone” Facebook Group. It’s a super place to get all kinds of advice, and to sync up with people who share your same passion for fostering child creativity.

Happy building!

— Team Imagination


Imagination Blog

Fostering creativity & entrepreneurship in children around the world. Powered by Two Bit Circus Foundation. #CardboardChallenge #CreativePlay #TwoBitCircusOrg