Warming Up for the Inventor’s Challenge

Catherine Belcher
Imagination Blog
Published in
1 min readJan 20, 2017

As the Imagination Foundation launches our Inventor’s Challenge for 2017, we thought it would be helpful to share links to a few items that might help spur conversation and idea generation. Here they are, in no particular order. Enjoy and visit us on Twitter @imagination to share idea generators of your own!

  • Blogs:

Getting Kids to Invent in a Giant Single-Day Workshop

“Why We Love the Inventor’s Challenge” in Imagination on Air (and on my blog site as well!)

  • 2016’s Inventor’s Challenge on Twitter:

#Inventor’s Challenge — Imagination Foundation on Twitter

  • Articles that can help spur thought:

Open-Ended Exploration: Design, Make, Play at NYSCI

35 Inventions That Changed the World

25 Clever Inventions to Make Your Life Easier



Catherine Belcher
Imagination Blog

Director of Learning and Engagement at Imagination.org @teachingharry — Co Author, Teaching Harry Potter: The Power of Imagination in Multicultural Classrooms