Your destination to sign up to write imaginative fiction

Kathy K
Imaginative Fiction Out There
2 min readJun 14, 2022


(Updated: 2023-Sep-13)

Do you want to publish to Medium’s Imaginative Fiction Out There (IFOT) publication?

Become a Writer For Imaginative Fiction Out There

  1. Add a response comment to this sign-up portal with the text
    1️⃣ “Add me as a writer, please.”
    2️⃣ Provide your Medium ID, for example (e.g.), “@kathyk2022”
  2. Check your publication list — give it a day (maybe less) at least — to verify
    that Imaginative Fiction Out There now shows.
  3. You will be added as a writer to Imaginative Fiction Out There

That’s it!

Happy writing and please be sure and read these introductions and submission guidelines for the publication.



Kathy K
Imaginative Fiction Out There

I write about mental health and fiction, mostly dystopian. Imaginatively unusual is preferable but not always possible for me.