Imposter Syndrome Comes To Town

A fictional tale and a Challenge

Kathy K
Imaginative Fiction Out There


Photo by The BlackRabbit on Unsplash

Sipping seemingly the last of the bottomless martini, he watched as it refilled itself for the thousandth time. Always fascinating to watch, ever delicious to sip. No doubt about it, the imposter in the tuxedo had a corner on the eternal martini market.

But that wasn’t his goal, no, not at all. He didn’t care to make money or gain fame by promoting his auto refilling martini. No, he had something else in mind, something much more satisfying and delightful.

You see, his full name was Imposter Syndrome and he wasn’t real. At least he wasn’t real to some people. But he was very real indeed to the select few who called themselves authors or writers. Amateurs or professionals, it mattered not to Imposter, he just wanted to pay visits to anyone who dared to call themselves a writer.

His goal was to produce a syndrome that STOPPED writers from writing.

“Writers, indeed!” Imposter scoffed, “they won’t know what hit them after I get through with them.”

But of course, he didn’t admit that he’d been defeated several times recently, in fact, just today. He went to visit a few writers and they beat him up good. First it was Jann who humiliated him, then Selina laughed in his…



Kathy K
Imaginative Fiction Out There

I write about mental health and fiction, mostly dystopian. Imaginatively unusual is preferable but not always possible for me.