In a Nut Shell

Excerpt from All Things Equal (WIP)

Micheal Woodruff
Imaginative Fiction Out There


Emblem from the Department of Ultimate Equality
Emblem created by Micheal Woodruff

The green and red flashing lights weren’t blinding but they were disorienting. They swirled around the group like an aurora borealis. The rest of the world shimmered away as though it had been part of a dream. A slow dream where you can see the scene change.

“What was that?” They all asked the same question at almost the same time.

“Let’s just call it a high-tech cone of silence,” Lucas said. “I can’t go into more detail than that. I don’t quite understand it myself. Suffice to say, we won’t be disturbed and nothing we say can be heard by anyone not inside this sphere.

Cedric looked around. The rest of the world was still there, though he had to focus in order to see it. All around them was a bubble, rainbow colors like a soap bubble in the sun.

“Where did you get this?” Shade asked, clearly impressed by the technology. He shifted his focus from the device to the bubble and back again. “I’ve never heard of anything like it.”

“It’s not used very often,” Lucas said, “anyone on the outside might see some flashing colors and then nothing. Anyone inside the sphere essentially disappears.”

“Okay, those stories I’ve heard,” Shade said, “One or two here and there but nothing substantiated or believed.”

