A little adventure…

Imaginative Travel: Japan
Imaginative Travel: Japan
3 min readMay 19, 2018
Meiji Jinju — Harajuku, Japan

I ask myself, when did it all begin? Was it when I got my first taste of the internet, further back when I lucky enough to get my turn using the monochrome IBM in Kindergarten or slightly closer to the present when I first experienced a PlayStation? I’ve come to realize the answer is ‘all of the above.’ Each one has helped define who I am today and what my interest are, at the time who I wanted to become and now who I trying to become. They each introduced me to a new and different world sparking my curiosity to reach out for more.

Due to these interests, I found myself having an immense curiosity for Japan and the culture and thus learning whatever I could find at the time. My ‘life time dream’ was to visit Japan and if possible, one day move there. As early as I can remember, I have always had a passion for Japanese pop and to this day still do. I began teaching myself Japanese in High School, so I could one day understand what is being said and really embrace the culture.

I started attending Salt Lake Community College in pursuit of my fulling my desire to learn the art of 3D animation. While I still have much to learn and improve upon in that field, I loved every moment of it, even if I was up until 4 a.m. working on it.

LEGO replica

After completing my Associates, I transferred to Utah Valley University to continue pursuing this field. As life would have it, I found that it wasn’t going to be as simple to continue in this field and made the decision to begin down a new path in Web Design & Development.

Fast-forward to present day and I continue to work on my degree, find new ways to expand my knowledge and continue looking forward to visiting Japan (again). I work as a Cheese Monger and I must say that if I didn’t have my interests in technology, design or the arts, cheese is where my passion would be. This job has so much to learn and every day something new is being created or new ways of doing something are being discovered. It is a job but also a passion that demands attention to detail, a mindset that pushes me to be forward focused, thinking of the future and have a fairly solid plan to bring that future to fruition.

Taking my experiences from school, work and life itself I wish to add to the beauty of the world and all it has to offer.

