In entertainment: Everyone gets the whole world

Will tomorrow’s new digital entertainment media make the whole world yours?

Dan Abelow
Imagine a New Future: Digital Earth 2025
11 min readAug 9, 2016


Entertainment has evolved since 16th century theater through novels, movies, radio, television, the Internet, electronic games, streaming video and multiplayer online games.

As we become a digital world what will be the next entertainment media? We’re merging tech and entertainment, real and digital, and screens and living. Next the whole world will be yours, with your every desire turned into entertainment.

Will tomorrow’s new digital entertainment media make the whole world yours?

It had been a day when the ground shifted under you. At your morning meeting your proposal — a fully digital supply chain — received the go-ahead. Then the CEO’s emergency meeting put that project on steroids. An accelerating future had arrived. Your biggest problem will be building it fast enough. Fortunately tech could move quickly, so you were confident you’d get there in the years it would take.

But you were definitely ready for a night off.

Your wife had planned the perfect teleportal double date. The two of you will teleportal to Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, where you’ll party with a sexy South African couple.

Gadgets are the beginning and digital never ends

There’s Carnival in Rio? Gosh, would you love to experience that?

How about sitting in on a class at MIT this morning? Then catch a “live” musical in London? Late afternoon, would you like to attend a press conference by the President at the White House in Washington, DC? Then have a drink to discuss it with your European friends in a beer hall in Munich, after they also “see” the President? Then spend the evening at Carnival in Rio?

You don’t have time to live in airports and planes while you zip back and forth between Boston, London, Washington, Munich and Rio. You don’t have money to travel and physically experience the world’s great events, or its remarkable pleasures every day.

But all this changes with an Expandiverse. Teleportals are digital devices that allow others to participate with you, and switch the background “locations” to shared places, events and content. This turns into more than communications. It’s a way to attend any event from business to education to entertainment. Whether you go to business meetings anywhere in the world, an Ivy League school’s classes or a rock band’s concerts, the world’s treasures are yours.

What will your normal, everyday life become? How will it feel in a world where everyone can live everywhere, experience everything and actually mature into a “know it all?”

As technology advances we’re rapidly improving:

  • The quality of our screens
  • The cameras that turn places and people into high quality images on our screens
  • The microphones and speakers that increasingly sound like real life
  • The CPU’s that merge them together into a perfectly blended “digital reality” for us to experience, with optional parallax viewing so the image we’re viewing moves as we move around in front of our screens
  • The many sizes of screens and speaker systems we can choose to feel like we’re “there.”

We’re changing our experience from today’s little screens that show a flat image of a talking head. The remote world will be in front of you so that it doesn’t feel remote. You’ll feel like you’re there, like you’re looking through your screens and you’re at the place you want to be, separated by only a piece of glass.

Over the coming decades we’re going to move into a world where we feel like we’re living everywhere. Without needing to spend days flying there, or money to pay for flights, hotels and rental cars.

It’s the architecture: Your gadgets are doors into a large digital life

The Expandiverse includes a “Worldwide Digital Events Architecture” — the technical systems to make life in that world normal. With personal notification systems, event directories, event search engines, heat maps and other ways to add and find what appeals to you, worldwide digital events are more than occasional experiences. They’re an industry that provides a way to live that can be run and marketed with a business system whether free, ticketed, subscribed, membership, shared, traded or any other business process.

At any moment you can say, “What’s available to me right now? I want to do something exciting, experience something special.”

Monetization will make it attractive for venues to make themselves “Expandiverse friendly” with the appropriate remote teleportals so large numbers of people can connect there. Remote teleportals are broadcast and connection points so people can connect and share the experience with other people in that place. Even bars and restaurants will want to be destinations in tomorrow’s digital world, so everyone can know and enjoy them.

When you are “at” a digital event, imagine if you could focus on only certain audience members and exclude others. For example, you could be “with” the ones who participate in one or more of your Shared Planetary Life Spaces. They could be family members. They could be business colleagues. They could be someone very interesting, that you met in a bar the other night — a real life one or a digital one. She might be called Sheila. And he might be Frederick.

Naturally, companies could also provide personalized digital experiences for customers or employees as an incentive. Conferences and trainers could hold digital seminars for professionals worldwide. Which would be lovely, especially if they included “live” entertainment for those who might be “present.” But “live” entertainment may itself have an entirely different definition. No, not like today, where singers who dance while they sing don’t actually sing. “Live” entertainment, thanks to Expandiverse technologies, may have far more dimensions and far more believability. Or unbelievability, when that’s what you want.

Until now, we’ve only lived in a local physical world where we’re restricted to experiencing what’s here and now.

There is an entire digital lifestyle possible where you get to experience the best of everything in the world as a normal part of your life. You don’t need weeks of vacation to travel to India or China, or expensive private flights to go on a remote safari in Africa. Instead of needing days to visit relatives on a holiday, or attend the Pope’s Easter Sunday appearance in St. Peter’s square, you can think about, “I want to see the most amazing thing in the world this minute” — and it’s yours.

The Expandiverse is the shift to everyone becoming a global person who is digitally able to be part of the whole world, and live everywhere.

Digital opens the world so you can be who and where you really want to be

Time to let go. Literally. You and your wife dressed for a party at Carnival in Rio. You went to your 10-foot wall-size teleportal, set its video to saturated colors with special effects, switched the surround speakers to concert and dimmed the room’s lights.

When you connect with your South African double date you exchange a long look. Tanya is petite, small boned with a pixie haircut, wearing all black — shiny leggings, a skinny camisole and high heels.

Your wife, Leah, is an elegant brunette who matched her style with an ultra-short and low-cut black dress and stiletto heels. She glanced at you and whispered, “Told you she’d dress hot. Glad I went there.”

Rick, Tanya’s husband, and you both dressed well too, ready to take out these two beautiful girls. You exchanged looks. “We’re very lucky guys,” you said. Rick agreed, admiring both girls as much as you did.

Leah overheard you. “And you’re so very good at making me happy,” she said. Rick and Tanya laughed knowingly.

Tanya and Rick were new and well traveled friends. You just met them recently on a night you and Leah went out dancing, to check out some of the world’s best clubs and meet interesting people.

Rio’s Carnival was a perfect first date. You had suggested spending the evening on sleds in Alaska’s Iditarod race, but they’d been going to Carnival for years and promised a great time.

When Tanya and Rick connected their teleportal, its background was already set in Rio at a Carnival parade with thousands of Brazilians dancing in the street. Its music instantly started pulsing through your speakers. They beckoned you to join them and started dancing Brazilian style in the digital street, surrounded by those already dancing there. The music was irresistible and you moved with it, copying the style of dancing all around you.

Since it was your first time at Carnival, Tanya filled you in.

“The heart of Carnival is the parades. Most first-time tourists head for the Sambodromo where there’s seating to watch the samba schools parade through, do their performances and compete to win. But we love to dance in the street parades — this is where the fun is.”

“How’d you pick this one?” Leah asked.

“It’s easy. We bought tickets to a bloco, a large group of people who dance in a roped off area around a trio electrico. That’s the large truck there with a stage on top, with the band that’s makes the music we’re dancing to. There’s hundreds of them but we picked this one because it’s one of Brazil’s most popular bands with singles and young couples. We’ll stay in its bloco for as long as you want, near its truck. Outside the ropes are the people who watch and dance on the sidelines. Most of them are Cariocas, the people who live in Rio.”

Around you, the people in the bloco are dressed in street clothes perfect for dancing and walking. Tank tops, shorts or loose slacks and t-shirts are everywhere.

“Does this band use mobile teleportals so we can stay with them?”

“Oh yeah.” Rick displayed a stats panel and there were almost 200,000 digital people in its bloco right now. “That number is how I picked it. It’s near the top for attracting the most digital people from around the world.”

He turned on its digital view. The street was instantly jammed with thousands of digital dancers, most of them overlays on each other.

The carnival music pounded them with incredible beats so they danced along with the street and digital gatherings as they talked. The digital dancers were all ages but mostly in their 20’s and 30’s, women with tight clothes and great hair, men dressed equally well. Even the older digital couples were dressed up and people-watching, radiating the same excitement as those who were younger.

Then Rick popped up a teleportal selector to show over a dozen views they could join, and switched them to the band. Suddenly they were on top of the truck, dancing alongside the band, looking out at the bloco surrounding it. “This band is making millions of dollars right now from digital tickets to be in their bloco.”

“Where is everyone?” you joked. “With an audience of 200,000 attending digitally, this looks too light.”

Tanya and Rick brightened and smiled. “Brazil’s one of the sexiest countries on Earth, and Carnival is one of its sexiest events. They’re here, but they’re in other shared spaces, having fun.”

That sounded interesting. “Public or private spaces?” you asked.

“Both. Our tickets come with a party list.” Rick popped up a scrolling list with thumbnails, so you could see each type of party at a glance. “At least half the digital people in this bloco are at one of these parties. Another quarter are at private parties not on this list. They don’t come just to dance in the bloco.”

“There’s all kinds of parties,” Tanya said, “and being Brazil, everyone comes here because they start sexy and get sexier.”

Leah looked at you and winked. “You ready?” she asked.

“You two are fun,” you said, “but our kids are here so we have to pass on any nudity. If you want to go, don’t let us stop you.”

“That eliminates most of the parties,” Rick laughed, “but at most of those nothing happens anyway, just people dancing and partying. At some parties they go as far as you want, but that’s less common. What usually happens is people meet and vanish together into a private shared space.”

“Let’s dance in the bloco for a while,” you said, “Brazil’s a fantastic country. I love the people and want to enjoy them first.”

“There’s some incredible digital dancers here,” Leah said. “Can we focus just them on screen, so we can dance with them?”

“Sure. With or without them knowing we’re dancing with them?” Rick asked.

“Why don’t you have it flicker us on and off for a minute.” Leah suggested. “That’ll get their attention. Then it will be easy to meet and dance together.”

Rick brought up the selector and moved them back on the street. Leah danced over to an amazing digital dancer and started moving sinuously next to him, copying his dance style…

Next Chapter: The future of reality: A new and open frontier

How will you change your everyday life when you can control your reality?

Dan Abelow is an independent inventor, author, speaker and technology consultant. His previous patents have been licensed by over 500 corporations that include Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung Electronics and others. He holds degrees from Harvard and the Wharton School.

The Expandiverse is new technology to simultaneously solve personal, economic and societal problems worldwide. Within months after its first patent issued, it was cited over 450 times by subsequent patents.

The Expandiverse vision is a people-first Digital Earth that includes:

  • A Global Digital Transformation that eclipses individual company transformations, by developing personal and planetary success.
  • Personal Exponential Growth begins, so everyone can rise to Personal Greatness and start Universal Prosperity. This accelerates growth throughout continuously connected markets and supply chains.
  • Partnership Capitalism shifts Adam Smith’s “invisible hand of the marketplace” (from 1776) to the “visible hand of digital consumers.” When people use Digital Boundaries, customer-centered companies can respond accurately. People receive Journeys to Quality Lives.
  • A small number of winner-take-all companies can drive this Expandiverse transformation. Your company can use this to lead your Industries, then scale that to lead a people-first Digital Earth.

Industry Roadmaps, Executive Briefings and Foresight Examples are at the Digital Earth 2025 website.

Expandiverse Technology and Services are at the Expandiverse website.

Can you envision a world where tech helps everyone succeed and prosper? If yes, can you share this with senior executives who may want to lead a people-first Digital Earth and its Digital Economy?

Get in touch. Let’s discuss how your company can improve lives and fortunes everywhere, and lead our planet.



Dan Abelow
Imagine a New Future: Digital Earth 2025

#Inventor of #New Expandiverse #Technology: #Digital #Transformation #Innovation. DM open. #Consultant #Speaker #Author. #Followback