Your Devices Will Have No Limits. Neither Will You.

How will your devices take you into tomorrow’s Digital Earth?

Dan Abelow
Imagine a New Future: Digital Earth 2025
15 min readApr 5, 2014


Imagine a you-centered Digital Earth of the future. It recognizes and follows you from screen to screen. Your continuous connections move you to the top of society’s pyramid by making you knowing and powerful. Humanity’s combined knowledge, resources and abilities are at your fingertips. And billions of others…

In three stages your devices will take you across the bridge to this Digital Earth…

  • Stage 1 — Today: Use today’s devices to receive a DEaaS (Digital Earth as a Service) through “Virtual Teleportals.”
  • Stage 2 — During the arrival of VR-AR-MR (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality): Your headset or interface displays your Virtual Teleportals as multiple screens of many sizes and locations. This multi-screen device replaces your phones, wearables, tablets, laptops/PCs, TVs and more.
  • Stage 3 — One device to rule the world: Virtual Teleportals become immersive “always on” worlds you “Teleport” (or navigate) between. You’re continuously everywhere you want, worldwide — with always on people, tools and resources at your fingertips.

How far will your devices take you? Start in Stage 1 then taste the future…

Whether you’re young or old there’s one thing you know: Your future is digital.

Our smart phones, tablets and other screens are with us constantly. We move from screen to screen as everything revolves around how quickly they do our bidding, how well they meet our needs.

We can’t imagine living without digital.

But we’re still just individuals with devices. Doing tasks, playing games, messaging and going from app to app.

The devices industry is evolving into a commodity business. The leaders are similar in hardware, features, software, apps, app stores, services, and bandwidth (or phone service plans).

It doesn’t matter whether you use Apple, Android or Windows. History will say they’re in the same generation, at a parallel stage. Whether you use a smart phone, tablet, Laptop/PC, game box, connected TV or another device, they’re generally separate silos, using the cloud to work together.

How far can today’s devices really take us?

Wrong question. Ask if a fully Digital Earth could be built today, how far ahead would we take our devices?

What if we could compete on time as well as features, with the future competing against the present?

How powerful are the competitive advantages for companies who make their devices doorways to a more powerful future?

The next market shift could come from using today’s devices as an already available bridge into tomorrow’s Digital World.

If you think digital is cool today, you don’t know the meaning of cool

Step through a time machine. Imagine we’ve built tomorrow’s Digital World.

You live in the Expandiverse, which is new technology and IP for building tomorrow’s digital world.

It’s a “you-centered” Digital World where your devices recognize you and turn on and off automagically. Your world follows you from screen to screen.

Just like you walk into a room and everything is there, your screens make your digital world local. You have instant access to your people, services, places, tools and resources.

You enjoy digital boundaries for privacy, and have both digital and physical protection. In fact, your digital world has grown more powerful and safer than the physical world.

You’re at the top of your world, at its center, in control.

Now imagine really, really cool

You start your day with a healthy breakfast.

You know it’s healthy because lots of people collaborated to get it right. From farmers through food product manufacturers, from retailers through consumers, they’re all members of a healthy food “governance.” This virtual community shares knowledge and needs between all its members. They all “see” and know the full picture as part of what each does to grow, produce, sell and eat food.

That’s you this morning when you prepared and enjoyed your breakfast. Yet you knew you’re part of a natural food chain that starts on thousands of farms and works to be sustainable and affordable for the Earth’s billions of people.

While eating you’re watching video on a tablet-size Teleportal.

Your tablet Teleportal is part of a new family of devices that includes multiscreen technology (allowing you to use all your various screens seamlessly); and between Shared Planetary Life Spaces (virtual groups so people can stay connected and work together across all their people and devices, including their apps, services, places, tools and other resources). Teleportals converge computing, communications, TV/video, the Internet, work, commerce, entertainment and more into a continuous digital reality architecture that enables your continuous digital world. As Teleportals become higher quality your screens become as real in appearance and presence as looking through a window at the physical world in front of you.

Today’s devices can use Virtual Teleportals. This cloud service turns your tablet into a Teleportal by delivering a DEaaS — Digital Earth as a Service. VirtTeleportals extend and grow the cloud services from Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure and others.

Now devices can be turned into “families.” Virtual Teleportals kick-start tomorrow’s Digital Earth and start the lifetime Journeys to Quality—customer-vendor relationships that will be grown for decades to come.

The video is interrupted by one of the ads you let inside your personal paywall.

One of your Digital Boundaries is a paywall. This blocks all ads except the ones you let inside, because you’re paid for watching them.

This ad is for a breakfast cereal and you stop and pay attention to it, because your attention is tracked and you have to watch to get paid. The ad is funny and you laugh while taking another bite of the same cereal that’s in the ad. That’s now called “Partnership Capitalism,” because customers support the companies that support them. Funny how “partnering” strengthened marketing. You used to be bombarded with ads you blocked and fought to ignore. Now only the ads you allow get through, but you watch most of them because that puts money in your bank account every day. Companies love this because their ads accurately reach people who want to watch them. They use sentiment to deliver the ad styles each person likes. You love humor and respond to it, so your ads keep you smiling and laughing!

Huge advertising services companies have grown to manage these personal paywalls. Almost everyone has at least one Digital Boundary, with ad management the most popular. For the ad management services that personalize ads for each consumer, those revenues are like printing money.

You’re watching a video about the cereal company’s supply chain, because you work in supply chain logistics and distribution.

How distribution has changed! Robotic pickers, self-driving forklifts, and equipment telematics show your whole virtual team a live, “walk inside” VirtDashboard of what’s happening every minute. As exceptions surface they’re drilled into with always-on connections, and dealt with immediately. Turnaround times have shrunk from a week or more to minutes.

In your company, the supply chain’s always on Shared Spaces with managers and employees has grown. It has always on connections with similar Shared Spaces in manufacturers that ship to you, and in retailers that receive from you. Large end-users — the final customers — are also in some of your Shared Spaces, so your supply chain meets their needs accurately. Together you’re harnessing instant and living continuous connections — from the market through multiple companies — to drive constant improvements. Your supply chain is always tuning its efficiency, responsiveness and accuracy — benefitting your markets, industry and the economy.

In fact a co-worker interrupts, asking you to stop by and see a new vDemo for sharing vehicle and fleet telematics data across your connected supply chain — the start of a VirtLogistics component.

You choose not to wait and ask to see the vDemo right away. You put on your VirtGlasses. Inside your VirtGlasses you can see the same images and connections as on your tablet. You can also see through them, to the kitchen you are sitting in. Your colleague is in the same place as on your tablet’s screen, but you vFocus your Shared Space with her. The rest of the images grow dimmer, and your Shared Space appears almost solid.

The designer is standing in front of you. She pops open the vDemo and stretches it to person-size so it’s clearer. But she wants to make it immersive.

She Teleports into it by stepping inside the vDemo, bringing you along, as she explains it.

Teleporting into the Shared Space shifts your perspective. The room around you completely disappears. This one team’s vShared Space surrounds you. Its people, tools and resources are on and live, ready to interact. It feels like you stepped inside a world that is equal in size to the room you sit in.

Around you is the new vCommand Center — you’re inside its mocked-up vSpace. The designer quickly points out its “always on” vDashboards, vTools, vResources and vServices. The main team members are there as continuously connected “vPresences.” If someone is vActive it shows him or her live and correctly sized in this vSpace, or if vInactive it shows a photo-realistic avatar of them, motionless and on the side. In the demo everyone is an avatar. In the real Shared Space they will be live and Active or Inactive, depending on each person’s “presence” every minute.

You mute all other audio and vPresences except the designer. You are in a vFocused conversation with her alone.

This vDemo is an Expandiverse Shared Space configured as a private vCommand Center for the different companies’ employees that work together on the Logistics part of your company’s supply chain. In the center of the room, the containers, fleet and vehicle telematics are turned into a photorealistic living “vMap.”

This visually displays this minute’s real-time, real-world view of all your supply chain’s containers, warehouses and retail stores. The stationary containers are in loading yards and sitting at distribution centers and warehouses. Some containers are moving, and those are on trucks, trains, barges. When zoomed out these appear to move very slowly. Zooming in on a container makes it life size and shows its real-world speed if it’s on a truck, train or ship.

How many Command Centers are there? Just one, or as many as needed?

“It’s virtual,” she says, “so multiple teams can use this vMap at the same time. All these tools and systems show you your view, while other employees see their own views of it. Everyone is together, but this is as many vCommand Centers as are needed.”

You nod and give her a thumbs up. “I get it. This is our view, but we could also vFocus a different view and see that instead.”

“Correct,” she says. “You can display any of the vCommand Centers that are in use, or use your own.”

If a product is out of stock and selling well, how can you get more product where it’s needed?

“Efficient,” you said. “Is it a working prototype? How much can it do?”

“Our first working Use Case is Find my Stuff. We can show you how to find and transport products that are out of stock when they sell faster than projected.”

“Good choice,” you said. “Everyone wants to make more money.”

“Finding a product is always available to everyone, everywhere,” the designer says. She pulls open a Find Product in the air. By entering a SKU or an image of a product, she immediately displays a floating 3D image of the product that is needed.

The 3D vMap view changes to show that product’s current locations. Now this product’s containers and cases in warehouses and retail store backrooms are brightly lit and highlighted, while the rest of the “vMap” turns lighter and transparent.

To solve this problem she asks to see the retail stores that are low on inventory, or out of stock. These stores light up, so it’s obvious where this product is needed immediately.

Then she asks to see that product’s cases and containers closest to those retail stores. Those need to be delivered immediately. She tells the system to deliver 125% of the usual replenishment quantity to each store.

Then she asks to see the retail stores that have had full inventories of this product for at least a week. Only those stores are displayed, and they’re brightly lit. “If there’s a shortage and we can’t get more from the manufacturer in Asia, we could ship those from this extra inventory to the stores where it’s selling well.”

“Here’s an example.” She picks a store that has lots of extra inventory and zooms in, actually using that store’s cameras and sensors to “go there” in real time. “It’s easy to see how the product is displayed, because that might be why it’s not selling well here.”

Everyone is always in this vCommand Center, including all the companies and employees in your supply chain.

The designer flips back to the previous Use Case of a product that sells quickly and is out of stock in some stores. Then she has the vMap highlight that product’s containers and cases near stores that are out of stock or have low inventory.

With one command the designer calls a vMeeting of all the different companies’ employees responsible for immediately shipping that product to those stores.

The vPresence system collects the names of those people and connects to them immediately, making them all vActive together. For those who are not available, it makes vActive the employee at each company who is assigned to fill in during their absence. The designer is quickly “with” all the different logistics companies’ employees responsible for moving that product to those retail stores. They’re avatars in this demo, but will be live people, with live images, in the real vCommand Center.

Because this vShared Space also uses Virtual Teleportals, it works on today’s devices as well as through VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) and MR (Mixed Reality). Everyone is connected on the devices they’re using this minute.

You can see that your company’s entire supply chain will be continuously connected in real-time, working at full speed from everywhere, without needing anyone to put on VirtGlasses or use VR.

You smile. The vDemo is interactive enough. It looks like your company’s supply chain, works like a fully connected economy should, and has Virtual Teleportals to connect everyone who’s not in VR or MR.

Nodding, you can “see” that this VirtLogistics Shared Space is ready to be used in vTests. It will be easy to have real employees from multiple companies throughout a supply chain try it out and see how it does in real tasks. You tell the vDesigner to go for it and prepare this vDemo for customer trials and tests.

Tomorrow’s Digital Economy will soon grow far more powerful and efficient than today’s on/off physical economy (which is mostly “off”).

Before you leave you flip to your family’s Life Space to check how your parents are adjusting to retirement.

Still wearing your VirtGlasses, you make the designer’s vShared Space Inactive. Then you Activate the VirtTeleportal to your parents’ vShared Space as a floating doorway. You look in.

Mom’s in a vCardGame with her friends. They’re virtually blended into a live view of the gardens next to the Eiffel Tower. It’s afternoon there, and Parisians and tourists are out enjoying the sun in one of the world’s most beautiful places. Nice card game!

Dad’s enjoying Belize’s coral atolls while chatting with a childhood buddy. He’s sipping coffee while blended into a live 3D from the reef, surrounding him with tropical fish. He notices that you’re vActive and gives you a quick wave then turns back to his friend.

No worries there so you don’t vFocus in either of them. Senior citizens like your parents create some of the most active VirtCommunities. They enjoy 24x7 relationships with their families, childhood and lifetime friends, resources, services and caregivers. It seems like the more someone’s physical mobility shrinks, the larger their digital life grows — and the more they enjoy experiences everywhere around the world.

You remember the beginning

As you ride to work you think back to the first meeting where you started this Digital Supply Chain project. It seemed logical to link our screens across supply chains and add continuous connections that move with everyone as we switch from screen to screen.

But it was transformed by realizing our devices will evolve to VR, AR and MR wearables. The big surprise is how we’ll no longer need to buy multiple screens and devices.

Instead, VirtGlasses make devices and screens virtual. Every person can have as many vScreens as they want at the same time — with the many different sizes and features wanted in each of them. Some are wall size, some sit on a desk and some morph into anything.

For example, a small vScreen can be attached to your wrist as a vWatch and vBioMonitor. When you receive a supply chain alert, you simply spread your vWatch screen to the large size needed to use its information immediately. No need to switch to a different device. Your VirtGlasses even turn your vWrist screen into a vWall screen. Then when you need a vLive visit to your manufacturer or shipper, it opens a Teleportal for you to step through and go there.

Our Digital Earth became one digital room, with everyone in it.

As a result, all of today’s screens and devices morphed into parts of your VirtSupplyChain, without anyone needing to buy a single device.

Over time your team added multiple always-on groups for different parts of the supply chain; continuous connections to customers to keep demand forecasts accurate, CGI-like blending of people and places, and boundaries that displayed only the ads each person wanted to see. Then it added both physical and digital security (based on recognition and bio-metrics) so the supply chain stayed secure everywhere worldwide.

The light bulb goes on: One device to rule them all

Tech’s Holy Grail is the bridge from today’s world into Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. After all, no one actually needs VR.

What is needed is the universal Mixed Reality glasses or device that surrounds the user with all the kinds of screens they want. One pair of MR glasses could replace your watch, phone, tablet, laptop, TVs and floating screens that move with you.

If they display the Expandiverse, you can be simultaneously present in many Shared Spaces — and flip between them instantly. You will be everywhere you want to be, together with everyone in them. The world’s knowledge, services, resources and personal powers will no longer be disconnected or need to be found and run to be used. Your always-on fingertips will control humanity’s combined abilities and resources. You’ll enjoy guidance for their immediate successful use. On Digital Earths you run and control.

Like Android drives 80% of the world’s smart phones, this company’s device will enable digital businesses, life and the Digital Economy. Their hardware plus Expandiverse platform will drive tomorrow’s winner-take-all world.

On a Digital Earth we can start building and moving into today.

How cool is that!

Next Chapter: Property self-security: Enjoy a well protected life and world.

How will new technology serve everyone’s need to live a well-protected life in a safer world?

Dan Abelow is an independent inventor, author, speaker and technology consultant. His previous patents have been licensed by over 500 corporations that include Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung Electronics and others. He holds degrees from Harvard and the Wharton School.

The Expandiverse is new technology to simultaneously solve personal, economic and societal problems worldwide. Within months after its first patent issued, it was cited over 450 times by subsequent patents.

The Expandiverse vision is a people-first Digital Earth that includes:

  • A Global Digital Transformation that eclipses individual company transformations, by developing personal and planetary success.
  • Personal Exponential Growth begins, so everyone can rise to Personal Greatness and start Universal Prosperity. This accelerates growth throughout continuously connected markets and supply chains.
  • Partnership Capitalism shifts Adam Smith’s “invisible hand of the marketplace” (from 1776) to the “visible hand of digital consumers.” When people use Digital Boundaries, customer-centered companies can respond accurately. People receive Journeys to Quality Lives.
  • A small number of winner-take-all companies can drive this Expandiverse transformation. Your company can use this to lead your Industries, then scale that to lead a people-first Digital Earth.

Industry Roadmaps, Executive Briefings and Foresight Examples are at the Digital Earth 2025 website.

Expandiverse Technology and Services are at the Expandiverse website.

Can you envision a world where tech helps everyone succeed and prosper? If yes, can you share this with senior executives who may want to lead a people-first Digital Earth and its Digital Economy?

Get in touch. Let’s discuss how your company can improve lives and fortunes everywhere, and lead our planet.



Dan Abelow
Imagine a New Future: Digital Earth 2025

#Inventor of #New Expandiverse #Technology: #Digital #Transformation #Innovation. DM open. #Consultant #Speaker #Author. #Followback