3 Key Take-Aways from Cultural Exchange Programs

International donors from Yakima Rotary visit the Imagine Scholar program in South Africa

Cultural exchange programs are one of the major ways in which students get an opportunity to experience different perspectives outside of their own.

Regardless of background or interest, what matters most is learn from different cultures.

I have come a long a way from a developing country to the United States and have gained a different perspective of this side of the world. I grew not only as an individual but also in my way of life.

Having had first hand experiences an international student, I would like to share 3 major factors that students should be prepared for:

Get ready to face culture shock!

No, it’s not always a bad thing! Experiencing culture shock will only prepare you to be stronger in situations that can turn your survivor mode on. Be prepared to face new challenges, different ways of life, unfamiliarity in a new setting and of course language barriers.

Finding solace in discomfort can increase your sense of adventure and teach you valuable life hacks that will serve you for years to come!

Meet new people

In one of my recent exchange semesters in Europe, I met around 45–50 new people over three months, and have been able to stay in touch with most of them.

Take your time to talk to a local street vendor, appreciate music played by local musicians, visit museums, try different types of food. You will see the number of people you have met throughout the day only increases.

In the era of social media and gadgets, keeping in touch with people is easy. You never know one of these connections might just help you land in your dream job. Just saying!

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

Don’t expect that everything will run according to plan. Mistakes can be the basis of memories that last for years! Forgetting your phone charger, getting lost on your way home, or getting on the wrong bus are not only common but they are necessary. Mistakes like these increase our capacity to appreciate the things we have.

Exchange programs are filled with new adventures and have the capacity to be truly transformative. It is up to you how to make the most of the experience.

By: Mursalin Binte Monnaf

International Development Intern

MSc. in Global Health, McMaster University Canada

