10 Facebook Live Ideas for Your Small Business

Michele Lea Biaso
Imagine Social Media
5 min readMay 28, 2020
Using Facebook or Instagram Live should be a part of your social media strategy — no matter what industry you are in.

Consumers want to do business with people, not a logo. The more that you can show them the real side of your brand and who you are as a professional person, the more likely they will be to engage with your brand. Authenticity is everything when it comes to businesses and social media.

Using Facebook Live should be a part of your social media strategy — no matter what industry you are in. It is one of the best ways to intimately connect with your followers and current customers and a great way to draw in a new audience!

With all of the recent isolation people have faced, it’s even more important. Now, more than ever, people want to connect with a real person and anything that will remind them of real life.

If you aren’t already using Facebook Live, you need to start! And, you need to make it a part of your long-term social media strategy.

We put together a list of some ideas to get you started engaging with your audience. Here are 10 Facebook Live ideas for your small business.

1. Check-In with Your Customers
A general check-in is a great way to show your audience that you’re there and remind them of what you have to offer. It also helps to get a little personal with your customers during this time of uncertainty. Let them know how you’re doing and what you’re doing. Don’t forget to ask them in return and get the conversation flowing in the comments. This all helps create the connection with you and your brand.

2. Host a Giveaway
Giveaways are a popular way to gain interaction and followers on social media, and they can easily be done in a Facebook Live. One way to play the game is to ask all viewers questions that they have to answer in the comments. Whoever gets the correct answer first will receive some free swag that you’re offering.

3. Host a Q&A
Q&As are another ideal way to get the conversation going and for you to learn about your customers and for them to learn about you. You can have a set of questions beforehand that people have asked, and you can invite more questions as the Livestream goes on. Your customers will feel closer to you and get to know you, outside of just being a business. This will nurture stronger relationships with your customers.

4. Promote Upcoming Business Plans
At any time of the year, you’re constantly brainstorming new business plans, right? If not, you should be. Maybe it’s offering new and improved products, maybe it’s revamping your website or maybe it’s redesigning a logo. Your ongoing business strategies shouldn’t halt just because of a quarantine. Keep planning and brainstorming and working on new ideas. With all this downtime it’s the perfect way to get ready for a new launch.

As you’re planning new launches, keep your followers informed. Jump on Facebook Live and update your customers about any new or ongoing changes your business will be making. If you have big plans when quarantine is over, let them know about that. It gives both you and them something to look forward to.

5. Discuss a New Product/Design
If you’re planning a new product or a new design for an old product, let your customers know. Keep them updated continuously so they’ll know what to expect. This will also serve as a reminder to them that you’re working on new stuff, and that they should keep checking back to see when it’s released.

6. Give a Tutorial
Whatever your business may be, you have skills that are valuable and teachable. Providing a basic lesson to your followers can help them feel like a larger presence in your business community too.

You don’t have to give away your secrets of the trade but make it fun, educational and insightful. For example, if you’re a baking company, you can teach your customers how to decorate cupcakes in a way that’s fun and entertaining.

7. Conduct an Interview
Instead of a Q&A where you’re the one being interviewed, try interviewing someone else. Choose someone relevant to your company, business, field of work or someone you know your followers will be interested to see. Invite your followers to ask questions in the comments as well.

8. Explain a Product
You can take advantage of Facebook Live to showcase your products and explain them more in-depth. You can explain how you made them if you’re comfortable with doing so, or you can highlight all the benefits your product has to offer. Use your product or create your product live to really give your audience an inside look.

9. Give a Tour
Let your audience see where the magic happens! Show them your studio or office space, where you create all of your best ideas and products. If you had to convert your dining room into an office because of quarantine, show them that! The more they get to know you and your brand, the more they will begin to trust, engage and follow. Conversations start conversions!

10. Host a Daily or Weekly Show
This one takes a lot of commitment and planning, but is a great way to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. You can talk about whatever you want, including all the things mentioned above and more. You can discuss the latest trends and news within your company, or within your field. You could also share any exciting news about your business with your followers.

Looking for more Facebook Live info? Our complete content calendars will give you everything you need to jump on and start engaging — from scripts and images to topics and follow-ups.

Do you struggle to find content for your small business? There is so much noise out there and it’s often hard for small business owners to develop an effective social media strategy. We’ve created a series of products and services to help. Click here to learn more about how we can help you elevate your brand and grow your business.



Michele Lea Biaso
Imagine Social Media

As President/CEO of Imagine Social Media, I help small businesses create, redesign, or elevate their digital marketing and social media strategy.